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Describe a job or career that you hope to have

You should say: + what the job is

+ what it involves
+ why you chose it
and explain whether it is rewarding
- Today, I’m gonna to share with you about a job that I see myself doing in the future. It’s being a .......
- As the society and science / economy are increasingly advanced, not only individuals but also businesses are in
need of more qualities of technology / comprehending about how to manage money for the their foundation
- As a result, a programmer / businessman (businesswoman) is somehow considered to be an up-and-coming
- In fact, it is a job that is highly sought after in this day and age
- IT / Business management is quite lucrative, probably because you have to work continuously to .....
- Sometimes you can’t help but feel burned out so this is definitely not a job for everybody
- And that’s why employers are always willing to pay more for those who can cope well with the pressure
- This job is highly-competitive in order to be a top-notch IT / businessmen because it requires a wide range of
- You really have to think differently and be more innovative with your perspective
- There are tons of reasons why I would love to do this job in the future. Everybody aspires to a high-paying job
and I’m no exception. In addition to that, I think I have talent for .... so doing something that I am good at is just
like a dream come true for me

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