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Alfian Noor. D1A114232. Implementation of Fostered Citizens in Banjarmasin Class II A

Correctional Institution. Under the guidance of Dr. Taufik Arbain, M.Si. and Enly Hadiyanor,
S.Ip., M.Si.

Prison problems or what used to be called prison are the final place for criminal justice processes
in Indonesia. Assisted Residents through a coaching program that is divided into education,
rehabilitation and reintegration so that the Assisted People can be accepted in the midst of
society and do not repeat their mistakes. Therefore, this study aims to describe the
implementation of Guidance for Assisted Citizens in Banjarmasin Class II A Penitentiary and to
find out the obstacles faced by the Class II A Banjarmasin Penitentiary in the implementation of
Guidance for Assisted Citizens.
This research was conducted with a qualitative research approach and the type of research
used was descriptive qualitative research type. In obtaining information or data, interviews are
conducted with; (1) Head of Banjarmasin Class II A Correctional Institution., (2) Banjarmasin
Class II A Correctional Institution Officer, (3) Banjarmasin Class II A Correctional Institution
Assistance. Data collection also uses; (a) interviews, (b) observation and (c) documentation.
Furthermore, the data were analyzed qualitatively.
The results showed (1) The implementation of Fostered Citizens Guidance in Banjarmasin
Class II A Correctional Institution was not optimal as expected by statutory provisions. This is
evidenced by the discovery of various problems, even when there are still repeated criminal acts
committed by the Assisted Residents even though they have undergone previous coaching; the
optimality of the guidance given will be returned to the Assisted People themselves. The prison
party cannot guarantee that the guidance that has been given to the assisted persons will be used
in life outside the prison. To make it better, (2) The obstacles faced by the Class IIA Banjarmasin
Prison in implementing the guidance of the Assisted Citizens are not optimal are:a.

Keywords: Implementation and Development of Assisted Citizens

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