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Monday, April 5, 2021 12:50 PM


Positional Arguments : this are the argument given in a particular order ( for example FunctionName(Value1,Vaue2..) . Based on this
values function will work in this orders

KeyWord Argument : We can give argument as Keyword. For example ( FunctionName(Variable 1, Variable 2) .

Default Arguments : Giving default values in the argument , for example " FunctionName(X=100,Z=200)" , then call this function without
any value "FunctionName()"

Variable Length Argument : Some time we can pass variable number of arguments , We can declare variable length argument with "*"
symbol. EX : "Fun(*n)"
This function argument will take as "Tuple" , we can call this type of function with values or with multiple values.

Type Of Functions Page 1

Above screenshot you can see , argument passed as dictionary value

Type Of Functions Page 2

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