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Student Name: Justin du Pont

Date: 6/27/2021

Artifact Description:Class President Ballot

What you learned: I learned how to make a poll using Google Forms and how to make polls for

in class use such as making one for a class president election.

National Educational Technology Standards for Students Addressed: The NETS standard

that I believe is being met while doing this project is the Learner standard because I learned how

to do something new for my classroom by familiarizing myself with the ins and outs of Google

Forms and how to make a poll so I can use it in the classroom or outside to get adequate

responses and feedback.

Applications of Skills Learned for the Future: I can use the skills that I learned in the future

by being able to make real-time interactive polls that can be used to gather information. This can

be useful for making decision, conducting research for a study, getting honest feedback, and

answering questions while staying anonymous. The great part about using this is that it can be

done remotely so as long as the person attempting to take your poll has the url to the page then

they can take it from anywhere they want whether it's on their phone, computer, or desktop. The

popularity and marketability of Google products such as Google Drive or Google Forms or

Google Docs is their accessibility and affordability. They may not be the most cutting edge or

innovative services out but they are easy to use and can be used by almost anyone, which is why

they are the perfect fit for the classroom. Due to a plethora of restraints, teaching has gotten

harder in recent years for many people due to budgetary issues in their districts which is why

these Google products have become so popular and have a perfect place to be used in the
classroom. Almost every school I have attended has used them in one facet or another and I now

know why.

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