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Student Name: Justin du Pont

Date: 6/13/2021

Artifact Description: Layout of my personal classroom

What you learned: I learned how to use various technological tools to design a floor plan and

seating plan for my ideal classroom.

National Educational Technology Standards for Students Addressed: The NETS standard

that I believe is being met while doing this project is the Designer standard because you are

designing an environment to optimize the learnability of the content that will be taught.

Applications of Skills Learned for the Future: Some of the hurdles I faced while making my

classroom was trying to initially figure out how to use the drawing software to make lines and

make the different shapes I needed. After that the process became fairly easy and all the pieces

fell into place for my technology use. I can see this project being useful for teachers by helping

them develop organizational planning skills and how to design a classroom which is a very

important skill for teachers of all experience levels. Some other things that can be designed using

this technique are field trip plans and groups, the spacing for a school assembly, and also, for

students to design their own structures if they need to, such as an assignment on their dream


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