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English is a global language

This is the era of globalization, where everyone on every country on every part of the world could
interact with one and another. With this happening, everyone gave to use the same language to
understand each other. English is the most commonly used language in the world. This is why you have
to learn english. So that you can keep up with everyone in the world.

2. Studying english can help you get a job

With English being the most commonly used language in the world, mastering it can be one of the
requirements that has to be fulfilled. Even if there was no such requirements for you to fulfill, mastering
english can be the reason for you to get the job because they would think that you can speak to anyone
in this world because english is the global language.

3. Learning English can help you meet new people

When you started to work at a multinational organization, or when you are on a holiday to a foreign
country, english can help you to speak to the local people. It's because english is the global language.
This would help you to speak to everyone so that you can have a good relationship with everyone.

4. Many scientific papers are written in english

If you are an academic, you will need a lot of scientific journals to make your report. Most of the paper
was written with english. If you have mastered english, making report from english paper will be an easy
task for you.

5. English is the language of internet

With globalization that happens now, internet is the gateway for you to explore the world from home.
English is the most common language that used in the internet. If you can speak and understand English
very well, then you can explore the world from the palm of your hand.

6. Travelling is easier with a good knowledge of english

When travelling to a foreign country, many times you will not understand what the natives were saying.
This is where english will help you. Because english is the global language, there must be someone

understand when you talk with english. This will make it easier for you to communicate with other.

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