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The paradigm

The new animals are being introduced to the park on the 25th of the month.

The announcement about the new creatures comes a day after Disney announced it
would begin using the penguins as the "special guests" in its Halloween special.

Cue the theme park chorus, "This has to be the start" followed by "No, you can't have
it both ways!"

Image copyright Getty Images Image caption Crows (R.O.C.) have been featured in
the Christmas special

Mr Huppenthal expressed his dismay after the zoo posted about the new animals at its
website, adding: "The zoo is now showing this new penguin species as its special
guests and we must do our part to bring these animals to life."

Image copyright AFP Image caption The penguins (R.O.C.) appear to have been in a
state of "natural hibernation"

Animal Rescue, which provides shelter for the animals, said the penguins were seen
on several occasions during the holidays, most recently during Halloween 2012.

The zoo said at least four of the penguins visited Disney's parks on the occasion of the
special guests.

According to a statement issued by the park, the penguin is the first penguin seen in
the park since the attraction opened in 1991.

The "Reverse City," or "Reverse City" theme park in Toronto, currently offers more
than 100 penguins as a special

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