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Forensic Assignment


ROLL NO : 049


1) Which of the following is characteristics of postmortem burns

a) pus and sloughing

b) increased enzymes

c) absence of scar formation

d) inflamed vesicles

2) A 25 year old male went to his brother with intent to harm him but unfortunately during
quarrel his brother died .this qatl will be called as

a) Qatl-e-Bisabab

b) Qatl-i-Amd

c) Qatl-Shibh-i-Amd



3) A person has been stabbed by knife and received a muscle deep wound of 5x5cm on right
side of abdomen,12cm from anterior superior iliac spine, and 6cm from umbilicus describe
the injury according to qisas and diyat act

a) Jurh Jaifah

b)Jurh-ghayr-jaifah Hashimah
3) A person has been stabbed by knife and received a muscle deep wound of 5x5cm on right
side of abdomen,12cm from anterior superior iliac spine, and 6cm from umbilicus describe
the injury according to qisas and diyat act

a) Jurh Jaifah

b)Jurh-ghayr-jaifah Hashimah

c) Jurh-Ghayr-Jaifah Badiah

d)Jurh-Ghayr-Jaifah Munaqilah

4) A Person was found by police officer in an abandoned place ,there were wounds on his
body how will you differentiate if the wounds were antemortem or postmortem

a) Gaping of wound is +ve in postmortem

b)Eversion is +ve in antemortem

c)Swelling is +ve in postmortem

5) Arsh for causing itlaf of a finger of a hand or foot shall be

a) equal to Diyat

b) half of Diyat

c) one fourth of diyat

d)one tenth of Diyat

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