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梗概:Jack 想参加去华盛顿的实地考察旅行,但他的父母只为他付一半的费用,Jack 通

关键词:field trip(实地考察旅行),cost(花费),earn(挣得),job(工作),
Jack wants to go on the class field trip to Washington, D.C. next year. His
parents will not just give him the money for the trip. His parents will pay for half
of the trip’s cost if he earns the other half of the money himself. Jack has almost
a year to earn $150. Jack earns some money by mowing lawns. By the end of
the summer, Jack has earned $75, but he is only halfway to his goal. He earns
more money by doing odd jobs for his neighbors. When autumn arrives, Jack
counts his money. He still needs $40 for his trip. Jack gets a job delivering
newspapers every Sunday. He earns 10 cents for each paper that he delivers, so
every Sunday, he can earn about $10. Finally, Jack has enough money to go on
the trip to Washington, D.C. He is just in time. The class trip is on October 21.
Jack gets out all of his money from his bank and brings it to school. He feels
great because he knows that his own hard work helped pay for his trip.

1. Jack wants to go on the class field trip to Washington D.C. next year.
2. His parents promise to give him half of the money for the trip.
3. Jack has to pay for the other half of the trip’s cost himself.
4. Jack earns some money by mowing lawns.
5. Jack has earned 75 dollars by the end of the summer.
6. Jack still needs 40 dollars when autumn arrives.
7. Jack gets a job delivering newspapers every Sunday.
8. Every Sunday, he earns about $10, and finally Jack has enough money.
9. Jack gets out all his money from the bank and brings it to school.
10. Jack feels good because he has helped pay for his trip.

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