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第一节(共 5 小题)
请听下面 5 段对话,选出最佳选项。
1. What does the man think Mr Brown should do?
A. Let the woman pass the subject.
B. Let the woman take the field trip.
C. Give the woman a chance to explain.
2. Why won’t the man go to Mary’s birthday?
A. He doesn’t like Mary’s behavior.
B. He doesn’t want to see David.
C. He isn’t popular with others.
3. What does the man think of Professor Green’s course?
A. Boring. B. Useless. C. Easy.
4. What will the man do probably?
A. Put Mary’s bookshelf together.
B. Put the woman’s bookshelf together.
C. Write the woman some instructions.
5. How long does the woman work every evening?
A. Six hours. B. Five hours. C. Four hours.
第二节(共 15 小题)
请听下面 5 段对话或独白,选出最佳选项。
请听第 6 段材料,回答第 6、7 题。
6. How much pocket money did British kids get on average last year?
A. 72 pounds. B. 90 pounds. C. 95 pounds.
7. Who is Lily most probably?
A. The woman’s daughter.
B. The man’s daughter.
C. The man’s wife.
请听第 7 段材料,回答第 8 至 10 题。
8. Why did the man probably come back?
A. He found his former job too tiring.
B. He wanted a higher-paying job.
C. He wanted to work near home.
9. What did the man do in Hawaii?
A. He was a teacher. B. He was a salesman. C. He was a guide.
10. When will the interview end on Friday?
A. At 10:00 am. B. At 11:00 am. C. At 11:30 am.
请听第 8 段材料,回答第 11 至 13 题。
11. Where is the man probably now?
A. In a police station. B. At his home.
C. In a bank.
12. What does the robber look like?
A. Tall with brown hair and eyes.

B. Thin with black hair and a moustache.
C. Tall with brown hair and a moustache.
13. What will the man do next?
A. Look at some pictures of different men.
B. Describe what the robber was wearing.
C. Draw a picture of the robber.
请听第 9 段材料,回答第 14 至 17 题。
14. What is the article that the woman is reading mainly about?
A. A series of tornados that caused great damage.
B. Some birds that avoided the tornadoes.
C. The many animals that died in a tornado.
15. What are the researchers still trying to find out?
A. Why the tornadoes hit those areas.
B. Why so many animals died this time.
C. Why songbirds could be aware of tornadoes in advance.
16. Which of the following is true about the tornadoes?
A. More than 35 people died.
B. About 17 people were injured.
C. Over 2 billion dollars was lost.
17. What is the man going to do next year?
A. Learn about tornadoes.
B. Research the songbirds.
C. Go to the USA.
请听第 10 段材料,回答第 18 至 20 题。
18. What is the text mainly about?
A. How people live in Texas.
B. Why people move to Texas.
C. Why there are so many jobs in Texas.
19. Where do people probably go for a low-cost of living, according to the speaker?
A. Houston. B. Seattle. C. San Francisco.
20. How many states in America don’t charge personal state income tax?
A. 6. B. 7. C. 8.

Key: 1-5 CBABC 6-10 AACBC 11-15 ACABC 16-20 ACBAB

湖南 曾集华

(Text 1)
W: Mr Brown did not even let me explain why I missed the field trip. He just wouldn’t let me
M: That’s so unfair.
(Text 2)
W: Are you going to Mary’s birthday?
M: David will go, so I won’t. I really can’t stand the way he treated me last time.

W: Yeah. He was really rude.
(Text 3)
W: You’re taking Professor Green’s course. Do you think it is easy?
M: Not really, but the course is useful. The problem is that I can hardly stay awake in his class.
(Text 4)
W: Have you ever put a bookshelf together before?
M: Yes. I once did that for Mary. I followed the instructions exactly, and I didn’t have much
trouble. Do you need my help with yours?
W: That’d be great!
(Text 5)
M: When do you work every day, Lydia?
W: I work 10 to 2. Then I start again at 6 and work until 10.
(Text 6) 内江竞赛
W: What’s that, Henry?
M: It’s a result of a survey I just did about the pocket money children in Britain get.
W: What are those figures, 72 pounds and 90 pounds?
M: 72 pounds is the average amount of pocket money each British kid received last year. 90
pounds is the amount from this year.
W: Now I see. Why did you make the survey?
M: I’m writing a school paper. By the way, how much pocket money did you give Lily this year?
W: I think about 95 pounds.
(Text 7)
M: Good morning. This is Mark Brit. I’m calling about the job that I just saw on your website.
W: Hello, Mr Brit. Could you tell me a little about yourself?
M: Yes. I’m 25. I’ve been working in Hawaii, and I just returned last month.
W: So why did you return? Didn’t you like your work there?
M: The work there was good, and the pay was satisfying, but my mother isn’t in good health. She
needed me to come home.
W: And what were you doing there in Hawaii?
M: I was attending university, and then after I graduated, I got a job as a salesman.
W: Do you speak any foreign languages?
M: Yes, I’m fluent in German and French, and I have some basic Chinese and Italian.
W: That’s great. Could you come for a job interview this Friday morning at 10:00 am? The
interview will probably last for about one and a half hours.
M: OK, no problem. Thank you.
(Text 8)
W: Thank you for coming to describe the man who robbed the bank, Mr Potter. So what did he
look like?
M: The man was tall and thin, and he had brown hair.
W: Did he have a moustache?
M: Yes, a brown moustache.
W: Did you see the color of his eyes?
M: No. I wasn’t that close, and I was a bit frightened. I didn’t dare to stare at him.
W: Do you remember how old he was, by any chance?

M: Well, I guess around 35, maybe a bit younger.
W: Mm, all right. Do you remember anything about what he was wearing?
M: Yes, yes. He had on a black jacket. Oh, no. It was grey. Yes. It was grey, and he was wearing
blue jeans.
W: All right. Mr Potter, I really appreciate what you’ve done today. I’m just going to ask you to
look at some photographs before you leave, if you don’t mind.
M: Will it take long?
W: No. Just a few minutes.
M: OK.
(Text 9)
M: Hi, Cathy! What are you reading?
W: Hi! I’m reading a really interesting scientific article. Listen to this … In April 2014, a series of
tornadoes struck the southern United States. Many animals died, but the songbirds that were
there left the stricken areas two days before the tornadoes hit. They all flew off to Florida.
M: Was it a coincidence?
W: The researchers who studied the birds didn’t think so. The birds returned soon after the
tornadoes were gone.
M: That’s really amazing. So the birds were aware that the tornadoes were coming!
W: Yes, but how they knew that is still not completely clear to the researchers. They’re still trying
to find out more.
M: Did the tornadoes cause any deaths?
W: Sadly, yes. The news reports said the tornadoes took the lives of more than 35 people and
caused over a billion dollars in damage across 17 states.
M: That’s very sad. It seems that tornadoes often strike the United States.
W: You’re right. Mike, you’re going to study in the US next year. Are you worried?
M: A little bit, but I’ll still go. I’ll just find out how to stay safe when a tornado comes.
W: Don’t worry. Tornadoes don’t strike all states.
M: So I’ll try my best to avoid states where tornadoes are likely to happen.
(Text 10) M
Hello, everyone. I’m John Smith, and I’m from Houston, Texas. My state experiences large
population growth every year. Among the five cities that experienced the largest population
growth between 2011 and 2012, three were in Texas. Why do people like moving to Texas? There
are several reasons.
Texas has comfortable weather, but it isn’t the main reason why people move here. The main
reason people come here is for employment. The oil and gas found here have helped turn Texas
into a great place for employment. There are many job opportunities in other fields, too.
The pay in Texan cities is usually not very high. People looking for very high-wage jobs
usually head to Seattle, San Francisco and New York. But why are there still so many people
coming to Texas? It’s because Texan cities, such as Houston, are not very expensive for most
people to live in. Though they don’t receive high pay, they don’t face a lot of pressure.
A final reason is that tax in Texas is very low. It is one of only seven states where residents
pay no personal income tax. Also, because of its good-value housing, Texas has been particularly
popular with families.
So if you’re considering moving, come to Texas.


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