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Tanggal : Senin 8 maret 2021

Kelas : 6


Tugas : bahasa inggris


1. Anak – anak hebat miss nia dapat mengerjakan latihan soal. Dengan cara menulis soal dan
pilih salah satu jawaban yang benar, tulisan harus jelas dan rapi

Hasil tugas bisa di kirim japri ke miss nia ya dengan no 082249368073 . Selamat mengerjakan

2. I . . . Keripik Jengkol game yesterday.

a. Play
b. Plays
c. Played
d. playing
3. Minah . . . a picture of Ondel – Ondel two days ago.
a. Draw
b. Drew
c. Drown
d. Draws
4. My friend and I . . . (go) to Monas yesterday. We saw group of kids practicing Karate. I . . .
(practice) Jalan Jurus 5 and 6 yesterday. The couch taught me very well. He did it step by
step. I was so happy to Practice Karate with my friends.
a. went - practice
b. go – practiced
c. go – practiced
d. went – practiced

5. Udin : What did you do yesterday Siti?

Siti : I . . . a strawberry juice.
a. Make
b. Made
c. Makes
d. Making
6. I . . . MRT to visit my uncle yesterday.
a. took
b. take
c. taken
d. takes

This paragraph for questions number 7 AND 10

Last week Adit visited his uncle in Senayan . He went there by MRT. The MRT was very clean and
comfortable. He used a card as a ticket. It was very easy and very fast. There were no traffic. He felt
so happy

7. How did he go to his uncle’s house?

a. He went there by MRT.
b. He went there by car.
c. He went there by bike.
d. He went there by transjakarta.
8. Did Adit feel sad?
a. Yes, he did
b. Yes, he didn’t
c. No, he didn’t
d. No, He did

9. Abi watched a movie last night.

Change the sentence above into a question.
a. Did Abi watched a movie last night?
b. Did Abi watch a movie last night?
c. Is Abi watch a movie last night?
d. Are Abi watching movie last night?
10. We were very excited to try the new MRT.
Change the sentence above into a negative sentence.
a. We weren’t very excited to try the new MRT.
b. We were very excited not to try the new MRT.
c. We not were very happy to try the new MRT.
d. We did very excited to try the new MRT.

This text for question number 37, 38 and 39.

Iwan didn’t come to school yesterday. He visited his grandmother. His grandmother was sick. She
passed away this morning. Iwan was so sad. Iwan told me that in Betawi when someone passed
away, Betawi people will do some ceremony before and after the funeral. Such as ngelawat, taking
care of the death body, tahlilan and ngored.

11. Why did Iwan absent yesterday?

a. Because he woke up late
b. Because he went to Bali for holiday.
c. Because he visited his grandmother.
d. Because he is sick.
12. How many ceremony does Betawi people do when someone passed away?
a. 1
b. 2
c. 3
d. 4
13. What can we say to Iwan to express our condolence?
a. We are sorry to hear that.
b. We are happy to hear that.
c. Thank you
d. It is nice to meet you.
14. Mika : When did you learn English ?
Sasya : She learned English . . . .
a. yesterday
b. tomorrow
c. now
d. next week
15. My trip – enjoyed – with – MRT – last week – I
Arrange the words into a correct sentence
a. I enjoyed MRT with my trip last week.
b. I enjoyed my trip with MRT last week.
c. I enjoyed my trip MRT with last week.
16. Traffic sign that shows no left turn is . . .





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