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Kelas : 5
Tugas : Bahasa Inggris


1. Anak – anak hebat miss nia dapat mengerjakan latihan soal. Dengan cara menulis soal dan
pilih salah satu jawaban yang benar, tulisan harus jelas dan rapi

Hasil tugas bisa di kirim japri ke miss nia ya dengan no 082249368073 . Selamat mengerjakan

1. It means ...

a. no turn left
b. turn right
c. no turn right
d. turn left
2. It is a ...

a. globe
b. traffic light
c. traffic jam
d. map

3. Ari is ..... Budi

a. in front of
b. behind
c. beside
d. under

4. When you see this sign, you have to ....

a. turn right
b. stop
c. turn left
d. go ahead

5. A cat is ..... a table

a. beside
b. under
c. on
d. between

6. This sign means that you have to ...

a. turn left
b. turn right
c. turn around
d. stop
7. Adi is ... Eko and Rio

a. in front of
b. beside
c. between
d. among

8. Bandung is the capital city of ....

a. South Kalimantan
b. North Kalimantan
c. East Java
d. West Java
9. This traffic sign means that yu have to .....

a. turn left
b. stop
c. turn right
d. go straight
10. This traffic sign means that yu have to .....

a. turn left
b. no parking
c. turn around
d. stop

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