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Happiness makes the world go round, because

Everybody has a different way to become happy, one person is happy with a lot of friends,

the other with a lot of money , the other with family around him or her and the other when they
are healthy, in that way everybody has a different way to become happy.

There are a lot of people that are happy with money, so those people will do everything to earn as
much money as they can, so people do business with each other to make money and if you have
much money you can buy things that you want. so in that way those people are getting happy .
other people will help people to become their friend and when they have a lot of friends they are
happy too and they can do things together that makes them happy. People who like family will do
everything to look after their family and when their family is close to them and they are doing oke
those people are happy too. family supported you and they help you with things for example I can
always go to my cousin if I want to and that is no problem for them. People want to get healthy
they do that by eating healthy and to sport and in that way they are happy too. If you sport you get
motivated and want to sport more .Healthy food and sporting costs money, so the people who
make money of selling food or have sportclubs will be happy with customers who want to be

So all those people are interacting with each other to reach their own goal and that’s why
happiness makes the world go round.

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