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Dhilipa grew old.Along with his wife he went to the forest.He

undertook VANAPRASTHA ASHRAMA,the life of an ascetic.Raghu ascended the throne.Then
he went on a conquest.He won over all regions.After his expedition,Raghu performed
the VISVAJIT sacrifice.In that sacrifice all wealth shold be given away.Raghu,the
great king gave all the wealth.His treasury became empty.

Kautsa was the son of a sage.He was the pupil of the great sage
varatantu.He came to the king to ask for money he had to give to his teacher.Raghu
offered ARGHYA in the earthen vessel.This was enough for Kautsa to understand the
situation.Raghu enquired after his welfare and asked why he had come.Kautsa said"I
have to pay the fee to my you are penniless now it is not proper for me to
ask for a gift to you.I have come late.I shall ask somebody else".Raghu asked -"How
much money should given to the teacher?"Kautsa narrated his story"My education
ended.Then I asked my teacher-"what is the fee"?.the teacher said"The fee is not
necessary.I am pleased with your devotion".I insisted.The teacher got angry and
said 14 crores should be given.I am poor.How can I get so much money?hence i came
to you.You have no money now.I shall go elsewhere".

King Raghu said"Do not go elsewhere.If i do not give you the money,I
shall get a bad name.Stay here.I shall somehow arrange to get your money".The next
day,Raghu was leaving for getting money from kubera.In the meanwhile,there was a
shower of gold in his treasury.Raghu offered the gold to Kautsa.Kautsa's desire was

...........THE END...........

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