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The more scientists investigate the amount of perfectly good food humans waste, the clearer it becomes
that this is a huge global problem, both for the planet’s food security and for the environment.
Researchers have proposed all kinds of ways to help address the issue, from improving methods for
harvesting and processing crops to changing the expiration dates on packaged food. And now, experts
have come up with another way to help governments and businesses all over the world keep track of
the amount of food they’re losing and find better ways to cut down on the waste.

Many environmentalists have been seeking for reason of the large quantity of food that has been
wasted by human beings. Why is this such a huge global problem? There would be nothing much to say
if it weren’t for the food condition when it was dumped. The foods which are in perfectly good condition
are throwed away without any appropriate treatment. This can bring so many bad influences on the
planet’s food security and the environment. Researchers have proposed all kinds of ways to help
address the issue, from improving methods for harvesting and processing crops to changing the
expiration dates on packaged food.

“One of the problems with addressing the issue of food waste is that there’s no international standard
for how it should be dealt with, or even how it should be defined. For instance, some organizations
identify food waste as any edible food that doesn’t end up being consumed by humans, whereas other
groups argue that discarded food that is later converted into animal feed should not be considered
waste. Additionally, there’s no international standard for quantifying and reporting the amount of food
that’s lost at any stage of the supply chain.” The result is that, to date, it’s been difficult to come up with
an accurate international account of food that’s being wasted across borders and throughout the supply
chain — and that makes it harder for experts to identify where the most food is being lost and come up
with the best ways to combat the problem.

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