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Chose one from the list of altered urinary elimination problems and give the details

being asked.

1. Description of the problem
Dysuria means voiding that is either painful or difficult. It can accompany a
stricture (decrease in caliber) of the urethra, urinary infections, and injury to the bladder
and urethra. Often clients will say they have to push to void or that burning
accompanies or follows voiding. The burning may be described as severe, like a hot
poker, or more subdued, like a sunburn. Often, urinary hesitancy (a delay and difficulty
in initiating voiding) is associated with dysuria. (Berman, Kozier and Erbs, 2015)

2. Risk/contributory factors
According to Berman, Kozier and Erbs (2015), the following are the
risk/contributory factors associated with dysuria
 Urinary tract inflammation, infection, or injury
 Hesitancy, hematuria, pyuria (pus in the urine), and frequency
 Pregnant women.
 Men and women with diabetes.
 Men and women with any type of disease of the bladder.

3. Explain the deviation from normal physiology

Dysuria results from irritation of the bladder trigone or urethra. Inflammation or stricture
of the urethra causes difficulty in starting urination and burning on urination. Irritation of
the trigone causes bladder contraction, leading to frequent and painful urination.

Dysuria usually happens due to bladder muscle contraction and peristalsis of the
urethra, which ends up causing the urine to come in contact with the inflamed mucosal
lining, which in turn stimulates pain receptors and causes difficulty in starting urination
and burning on urination. Other conditions can cause dysuria from different
mechanisms. Also, dysuria requires differentiation from other symptoms, which can also
occur due to bladder discomfort due to increased bladder volume, such as suprapubic
or retropubic pain. Dysuria most frequently results from an infection in the lower urinary
tract, but it could also be caused by an upper urinary tract infection (UTI). Impaired renal
concentrating ability is the main reason for frequent urination in upper UTIs.

4. Describe the applicable management as to the following:

a. medical to include medication(s)

b. surgical

c. nursing management

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