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Common Themes Study Guide

Acceptance Resourcefulness
These stories have characters These stories have characters
that accept and respect the that find clever ways to solve
differences and beliefs of others. their problems.

These stories have characters
These stories have characters
that avoid trouble by being
that care for and help those who
prepared and ready for any
are suffering.

Courage Perseverance
These stories have characters These stories have characters
that are brave enough to that keep trying and never give
overcome a fearful or difficult up even when things do not work
situation or accept a challenge. out at first.

Kindness Honesty
These stories have characters These stories have characters
that are friendly, generous, and that learn that it is best to
considerate of others’ feelings. always tell the truth.

Cooperation These stories have characters
These stories have characters
that trust one another and
that work together to complete a
remain loyal throughout the
task or reach a goal.

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