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One last goodbye, the plot will deal with when you go to sleep or leave, say goodbye, say good night
to your relatives. But you do not know if you will see them alive the next day, what you do know is
that they will be there. What inspired me to do this story is in memory of my grandmother, since on
the night she died, my family and I had left her house. I do this text to make people aware of how
important it is to enjoy every second of our life. Spend time with our family.
The characters will be Gabriela, a tall, dark-haired 12-year-old girl. Gabriela Celeste's cousin, an 8-
year-old girl, the protagonist. That they face the duel, the loss of a family member very dear to them
and to their families. But while they are looking for a way to overcome it, her families do not believe
them since they saw her go to the kitchen every morning.
They undertake an investigation that will take a lot of time and a lot of risks, when they finish their
investigation they find the most unexpected.

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