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Name: Giselle Q.

Aragon Course: BSIT Yr/Sec: 3C


Last May Webinar siminar training was conducted Via Google meet which has a lot of Audience.
The speaker are from Sultan Kudarat State University his a teacher of a Bachelor of Science in
Information Technology (BSIT) he showing his previous work to us that will surely help people
so does the webinar help us as the student.

The Webinar started from the background of what really the BSIT are. I here and I learned how
to install Sublime, Vertrigo and many more and also how to code which can help to improve our
system and also our knowledge ..

The topic is to Adding Boostrap framework into System Designed and also he show how to run
Boostrap without Internet or Access and its effected to our Designed. And the next topic he
teach is all about Project Development he teach us, how to get code in and how
to apply it into our system designed and he teach also how to arrange container and culomn in
the system designed and the next topic is how to create data base table and arrange and input
the name in the table like varchar, numbers and if have a problem in the spelling of the name
you can also change it or delete and also he show us how to connect Data Base in our system
first we go to the local host and log in first and create a new file and create a code like
$Servername, $Username, $ass word, $database and so on make sure the code is correct to
easily connected to each other and to avoid error and also sir Elbren Antonio teach us how to
use and code the CRUD in our system so we can aeasily insert, delete, select, update to our

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