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Background of the Study


Salt in Iranian medical sources is mentioned as Malh and has a special

place in people’s nutrition. The purpose of this study was to investigate the
effect of correct use of salt on health and disease prevention in the context of
Iranian medicine and its comparison with modern medicine. The main
application salt in Iranian medical resources includes usage in latif supplier,
solvent, dryer, laxative of phlegm and melancholy, slimy moisture body
repellent, opening obstruction of liver and spleen, aid in digestion, beneficial for
seeds and corruption of foods, appetizing, cold foods reformer and improving
the flavor of foods.

On the other hand, the major benefits of salt according to modern

medicine resources are; aiding the balance of electrolytes and fluids, carry
nutrients into cells, regulation of acid-base balance, support transfer of nerve
impulses, regulate blood pressure, and secretion of gastric acid.

According to the Iranian medicine, the amount and type of salt to

maintain health and prevent diseases is determined based on factors such as
temperament, age, health and disease, season, and location. While a unique
approach is not prescribed for every individual, in modern medicine resources,
a fixed set of guidelines is recommended for all healthy individuals.
Consequently, the modern medicine pays less attention to physiological,
structural, and genetic issues. Considering the importance of salt and its
undeniable impact on human health, it is apparent that additional research is
required to determine factors affecting the actual amount of salt per person.

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