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According to the document read for a marketing plan to be successful, it is essential to gather the greatest
amount of information, this information is divided into 8 parts and the unification of these, assures us
success in the marketing plan.

These 8 steps give us advice on how to achieve success in marketing, and explain that it is important to
explore our industry and all sectors of the industry, in order to obtain more knowledge in the sectors of
different countries and therefore our plan marketing has more chance of success, also shows us the
importance of paying attention to our customers, since they are the ones who can give us the best advice
to succeed, as well as analyze our competence to know the strategies they use. That will help us obtain a
better strategy. After all the analysis process it is important to know how to carry out these strategies, it
also tells us that we must always have a contingency plan, that is, be prepared for any reaction from our
clients, whether favorable or not, bearing in mind that To create a Marketing plan is to "organize the
marketing work towards a specific objective and a specific market". It is to place in a document, clearly,
what I want to achieve, for whom and with what tools

How can a company

Determine THE MARKET Determine the Project the future
IS market share
the current SHARE TO HAVE market share
REQUIRED current
business SUCCES
In relation to
First you have to be the potential To find the market
The 1: The participation
clear about what business percentage that
involvement of the company in
materials or supplies APPROVE Necessary steps to the company does
of the quota the market
you will need to INITIATIVES determine not control
manufacture your 2: Divide the
product One:To analyze Between the
Of the market participation the
suppliers ESTRATEGIC percentage of the
makes it company in the market
possible PLANNING The size of the market market does not
You have to identify and the current share control
what the competitors, 3: Multiply the
where they are Two: To results by one
It is known FOR WHAT Expressed as a
located and what size analyze the hundred to find the
as percentage to
do they have competitors action in the market
find the
Calculate Of The company in proportion of
What other products FORECAST the
Three: to GROW SALES your market the company
are there in the OF MARKET primary
analyze the demand
market, no direct SHARES
products that
competition but
are substitute Three: TO PROJECT YOUR
substitute products
Apply the Two: to know FUTURE
interpreted calculation demographic
You have to know method data
Four Analyze the results MARKET SHARE
who the clients
and the kind of customers
market The small business must

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