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Write your Examination ‘Number here AN ROINN OIDEACHAIS ‘LEAVING CERTIFICATE EXAMINATION, 1974 BIOLOGY—ORDINARY LEVEL FRIDAY, 21 JUNE—AFTERNOON, 2 to 4.45 Answer six questions from Part I and four questions from Part IL ‘You should not spend more than 45 minutes on Part I, leaving about 120 minutes for Part IL. ‘PART I (120 marks) Answer any six of the questions (1~7). Each question carries 20 marks, ite your anevers in the spaces provided below. Soe cease ee Boante fo retur this Par of the examination paper; enclose tin the answer-book: you use for answering Part 1. 1. Answer five of the following, (a), What gas is released as « result of photosynthesis? (6) Which one of the following deficiency diseases is caused by a lack of vitatnin D: night blindness, sourry, rickets, pollagra? ..sctasuateueueneneietnenectt (©) What tisoue in angiosperm plants contains lignin! (@) Where is bile produced in the human body? (@) Name one place in flowering plants where meiosis oceurs. (1) Namo the process by which enorgy is reloased from foods in living eels . (9) What gland in the human body produces the hormone insulin? .-...---.-- fe 2. (0) What offect does contraction of the diaphragm and of the intoreostal muscles have on the volume of the thoraxt State three ways in which inspired air differs from air exspired from the Inngs. iy - : i) feria ler tcneieee i aster Where in the mammal are excess amino-acids converted into urea { ‘What happens to the urea 150 M69 8 Chlamydomonas, Fucus, Amoeba, Paramoecium, liveriluke (or tapeworm), viruses, bacteria, ‘Which organisms in the list above (a) have contractile vacuoles? (@) aro single-celled t (©) do not possess mitochondria t ‘Namo the structures marked A and 2 4 Is structuro A fully permeable or semipermeable Stato ono funetion of the vacuolo. ‘What process is carted ont in the mitochondrion ‘What type of substances are produced by the structures marked B® ‘Ie this ool] wurw from tho mesophyll of a groon leaf what additional typo of structure would you expect {o find in it which would enable it to photoeynthasio ...sme ‘Ls M09 5. In the spaces provided, write in whether you think each of tho following statements is true or falao. ‘zample: Insecta belong to the Phylum Arthropoda. ares (0) All bacteria couse disease, (®) DNA is found in the nucleus, (6) Foodstafis absorbed in the smal intostine are carried to the liver via the hepatic voin, (4) Oranges are 8 good source of vitamin C. (¢) The typo of coll division by which the mammalian zygote divides is called meiosis. 6. Give two structural festures which would help you distinguish between: (a) Amoeba and Paramoecium o fi .. (#) A monocotyledon and a diootyledon: ().. (i .. (@) An inseot and a spider: @ Lo 2. What biological purposo has each of the following activities + (@) sweating: (0) tho pastourisation of milk: (o) the application of a fungicidal spray to the aerial parta of » potato crop: {@) tho positive phototropic growth of most shoots: 160 M. 69 AN ROINN OIDEACHAIS ‘LEAVING CERTIFICATE EXAMINATION, 1974 s ‘BIOLOGY—ORDINARY LEVEL ‘FRIDAY, 21 JUNE—AFTERNOON, 2 to 4.45 Answer six questions from Part T and four questions from Part II. Part I Part Lis on a separate sheot which provides spaces for your answers. ‘The completed sheet should be enclosed in your answer book. TT Part II (280 marks) ‘Write your answers to this part in your answer-bookk. Answer any four questions, ach question carrios 70 marks. 8. (a) In Shorthorn eattle, individuals with red coats have a genotype RR; white individuals have geno- ‘type rr and thoso with a genotype Rr are roan (partly red—partly white). ‘What cont eoloar would you expect the calves in the F generation to have as a result of the following crosses Show by diagrams how you arrive at your answer. (i) red bull x white cow, (i) white bull x white oow, (Gil) roan bull roan cow. (@) Explain throo of the following: (i) phenotype, (ii) mutation, (ii) homozygous, (iv) meiosis, (v) allele. 9. (@) Construct a food chain which includes at lent three of the following: an insect, a crustacean, an alga, ‘fia, a flowering plant, a bird, a mammal, Give an appropriate example of ecch type of onganionsin the food chain and state the type of ecosystem in which the food bait is found. (©) Write a paragraph in cach case to indicate what the noes would he in the ecosystem have studied, if some mysterious disease enused tho death of arr (i) all the decomposers, all the primary consumers, all the secondary consumers. 10. (a) Distinguish cloarly between pollination and fertilization, (®) Show with the aid of labelled diagrams the structural differences between any named seed and a s0- (@) Where exactly docs fertilization normally occur in the humant What is the relation between fertilization and menstruation. Outline briefly the chango that takes place in the reproductive treot during menstruation, TL (@) By mons of lang labelled diagroms only, describe the structure of the sporophyte gonoration of (If soxual reproduction in the fern is to be successful, then the prothallus needs to be in eontast with, water. Why? 12, A large potted plant was keptin darkness for about 12 hours, One hundred leaves of the plant were selected tod cae Lom in dened, wan cot oes ths aakaa othe al aad aaa oe a Teaves. Those discs were oven-dried and woighed. ‘The plant was then placed in a warm sunny seuation for fn experimental period of soyoral hours. At tho end of this period, one hundrod similar does ware out from ‘tho laminas on te right-hand sido of the midrib and were then oven-dried atl weighed ‘The dises removed at the ond of the experimental period were considerably heavier than the discs removed at the beginning. () How do you account for this? (Gi) Why was it necessary to uso dried samples? (iil) What result would you expect if the plant had beon loft in total darkness during the expecimental [OVER period? Give reasons for your answer. Lo 09 18. A person ests fish and chips and drinks » glass of milk, (a) What are the principal types of foodstuff contained in the (i fis, (i) chips, (if) cooking oil, (iv) milk t (®) In what form are these foodstaffs when they are finally absorbed into the blood stream and to what ‘ase does the body put them? (@) Name the enzymes involved in the digestion of protein and sey where they are produced. 1A. Briefly explain any four of the following: (0) the function of the eustachian tube, (©) why tho left ventricle has s more muscular wall than tho right ventricle, (©) how you could demonstrate the presence of starch in green leaves, (@) the function of any one animal hormone, (©) how you would attempt to grow Mucor (or Rhizopus). ‘15. Ife is discharged in the air near a of rabbits, they will Awa) cate le by Waser aa, omc fh Us bons tho bi in ingng ab! ths erapingBobaviou,

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