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053121 Cell Biology (1) Assignment 12: Chapter 16 – part 1

1) Which of followings is not correct?

a) Cytosolic domains of RTKs are tightly associated with cytosolic kinases.
b) JAK kinases activate STAT transcription factors.
c) Dimerization of STAT involves conformational changes that expose the nuclear-
localization signal.
d) Signals pass from activated Ras to a cascade of protein kinases, ending with
MAP Kinase.

2) In the absence of ___________, erythroid progenitor cells undergo apoptosis.

3) Examples of GEFs (guanine nucleotide exchange factors) are G protein-coupled

receptors and ______. The 2nd example links between GRB2 and inactive Ras.

4) Signaling pathways involve as intermediates special phosphorylated phospholipids

derived from phosphatidyl inositol. These membrane-bound lipids are collectively
referred to as __________________.

5) The PI-3 Kinase pathway is negatively regulated by _________ phosphatase.

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