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Foundations of Engineering, Professor Iacovacci/Gomo Final Exam

1.What is Cloud Datastore?

Cloud Datastore is a highly scalable NoSQL database for your applications.
Cloud Datastore automatically handles sharding and replication, providing you
with a highly available and durable database that scales automatically to handle
your applications load. Cloud Datastore provides a myriad of capabilities such as
ACID transactions, SQL-like queries, indexes, and much more.

2.What is Cloud Computing?

Cloud computing is the delivery of on-demand computing services like servers,
storage, databases, networking, analytics hosted all on the internet. You get to
sidestep many of the hurdles of hosting these services yourself like avoiding the
upfront cost of infrastructure and you only must pay for what you use. Two great
examples of this are AWS from Amazon and Google Cloud from Google.

3.Explain the benefits of replication?

Replication allows you to increase the durability and availability. Durability is a

single failure resulting in lost data and availability is a network outage limiting
access to data.

4.Describe what a data center is?

A data center is a facility that centralizes the operations and equipment for a
company’s tech division for the purposes of storing, processing, and disseminating
data and applications.

5.What is Cloud SQL?

Cloud SQL is a fully managed database service that helps you set up, maintain,
manage, and administer your relational databases on Google Cloud Platform.
Cloud SQL is a Virtual Machine that is hosted on Google Compute Engine,
managed by Google, running a version of the MySQL binary.

6.What factors would you consider in choosing a Data Center Location?

Location, reliability, security, network service capacity, flexibility and scalability,
emergency backup, and reputations.

7.What are Virtual Private Clouds?

A virtual private cloud is a secure, private cloud hosted within a public cloud. A
private cloud is a cloud service that is exclusively offered to one organization.
Customers can run code, store data, host websites, and do anything else they could
do in an ordinary private cloud, but the private cloud is hosted remotely by a public
cloud provider.

8.Explain Big Query?

Big Query is a relational-style cloud database that can query enormous amounts of
data in a relatively short amount of time. Big Query uses SQL as a language,
instead of Java or C++ code. Big Query can also run traditional online transaction
processing-style queries.

9.What is a virtual machine?

A virtual machine (VM) is a virtual environment that functions as a virtual
computer system with its own CPU, memory, network interface, and storage,
created on a physical hardware system. With it you can do things like decouple the
physical machine for repairs while the virtual part can be migrated somewhere

10. Explain Cloud Natural Language process?

Natural language processing is the act of taking text content as input and deriving
some structured meaning or understanding from it as output. Take the sentence
“I’m dying of laughter”. It is ambiguous since it can mean many things with the
same words. Cloud Natural Language API attempts to simplify this so that you can
use machine learning to process text content without keeping up with all the
research papers. Results are best guesses—treat the output as suggestions.

11. How does Sentiment Analysis work?

Sentiment analysis is contextual mining of text which identifies and extracts
subjective information in source material and helping a business to understand the

social sentiment of their brand, product or service while monitoring online

12. Explain the concept of the Google app engine?

The Google App Engine is a cloud computing platform as a service for developing
and hosting web apps in Google-managed data centers where they are sandboxed,
tested, and ran across multiple servers.

13. What is the main draw of App Engine?

This allows developers to work within the Google parameters most developers
need to work in while developing their apps. It primarily supports the major coding
languages like Java and Python and can support different languages through
custom runtimes. The service is also free to an extent and beyond the free usage
only makes you pay for what you use.

14. What is machine learning?

Machine learning involves the idea of the computer figuring out the rules on its
own rather than by having someone teach them explicitly. You would instead show
the system a bunch of inputs and desired outputs, and using those examples, the
system would be responsible for figuring out the rules on its own.

15. Explain Google Cloud Functions?

Google Cloud Functions is a serverless execution environment for building and

connecting cloud services. With Cloud Functions you write simple, single-purpose
functions that are attached to events emitted from your cloud infrastructure and

16. Explain Domain Name System (DNS)?

DNS is a hierarchical distributed storage system that tracks the mapping of internet
names (like to numerical addresses. DNS is like the internet’s
phone book.

17. Explain what the Cloud Vision API does?

Cloud Vision allows developers to integrate vision detection features within apps,
including image labeling, facial and landmark detection, and tagging of explicit

18. Explain how cloud Natural language text analysis works?

Natural Language uses machine learning to reveal the structure and meaning of
text. You can extract information about people, places, and events, and better
understand social media sentiment and customer conversations.

19. How the Cloud Speech API works?

The Cloud Speech API is a speech to text conversion powered by machine
learning. It can be used to transcribe voice recordings to text. The Google Speech
API recognizes over 110 languages and variants. Apps using the Cloud Speech
API automatically upload audio to Google Cloud for transcription and retrieves the
results back into the application.

20. How the Cloud Translation API works?

The Cloud Translation API dynamically translates between languages using

Google machine learning.

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