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of Contents
Mathematical Dialogue and Consensus
Jhan Glend S. Castañares 1–8
Between Students

Teachers providing just enough

information to establish
background/intent of the problem, and
Roldan Bantayan 9 - 12
students clarifying, interpreting, and
attempting to construct one or more
solution processes (Cobb 1994)

Teacher Accepting Right or Wrong

Kenneth Mendoza 13 - 14
Answers in a Non-Evaluative Way

Teachers guiding, coaching, asking

insightful questions and sharing in the
Rizelle Ela 15 - 21
process of solving problems (Lester et
al., 1994)

Problem solving encourages

Raffy Alabado 22 - 23

Teachers knowing when it is

appropriate to intervene, and when to
Jessica Valdez 24 - 26
step back and let the pupils make their
own way (Lester etc al., 1994)

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