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Submitted By:
Aisha Mubashar

Roll No:

Supervisor Name:
Sir Khurram Mehtab


CS101A-Intoduction to Computer
1. A cell is a box of intersection between rows and columns in a spreadsheet.
By default, the excel starts with cell A1.

2. The unique address of the cell shows that it is only one in the whole sheet. It
is to locate or identify a cell in a sheet. Also, it tells a range of cell when
applying a formula.

3. A group of cells that are selected are known as range in excel. It shows as
E3:G7 which indicates that from cell E3 to cell G7 are selected.

4. We can add four values by selecting the cells and applying AutoSum option
from editing group in home tab. We can also select AutoSum option by right
clicking on the selected four cells. Or we can select a cell and then add +,
then select the next cell again add +, we will continue to do so until our all
four values are generated in this form (E1+E2+E3+E4) in the formula bar.
All these will result in adding the four values.

5. We can apply the fill series features by selecting the cell with an incremental
value and drag the corner of the cell to complete the series. You can add fill
series of weekdays only by entering the first week day of your series and
then dragging the right corner of the cell to make a series. Then at the right
down corner click the autofill option and select weekday option. This will
end up in making series of weekdays only.

6. We can use format cell option by entering the number in a cell then right
clicking the cell, format cell option will occur. A dialog box of format cell
will occur which include further options to change the number according to
your fit. When applying the above explained options, the number
12564895.1265489 will change into 12564895.13.

7. The are mainly four type of data that can be enter in an excel are text, dates,
values and formulas. You can also add alphanumeric data in an excel.

8. When entering anything on the cell already entered is removed and the new
data is entered. When entering in the cell, you enter in addition to already
entered text. When we want to enter more text in already entered text, we
use in the cell option and we can use this option by simply clicking in the
text we want to enter more text.


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