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2018.1.1 ~ 2018.12.31


재무상태표 Statements of Financial Position

제3기 : 2018년 12월 31일 현재 (As of December 31, 2018)

한국카카오은행 주식회사 (KAKAOBANK OF KOREA CORP.) 단위: 백만원 (Unit: KRW in Millions)

계정과목 Description 금액 (Amount)

자산 Assets
Ⅰ. 현금및예치금 Cash and due from financial institutions 1,640,472
Ⅱ. 투자금융자산 Financial investments 1,099,702
Ⅲ. 대출채권 Loans 9,082,098
Ⅳ. 유형자산 Property and equipment 32,021
Ⅴ. 무형자산 Intangible assets 64,176
Ⅵ. 당기법인세자산 Current tax assets 2,246
Ⅶ. 기타자산 Other assets 206,008
자산총계 Total assets 12,126,723
부채 Liabilities
Ⅰ. 예수부채 Deposits 10,811,628
Ⅱ. 순확정급여부채 Net defined benefit liabilities 592
Ⅲ. 충당부채 Provisions 8,087
Ⅳ. 기타부채 Other liabilities 166,008
부채총계 Total liabilities 10,986,315
자본 Equity
Ⅰ. 자본금 Share capital 1,300,000
Ⅱ. 자본조정 Capital adjustments (18,739)
Ⅲ. 기타포괄손익누계액 Accumulated other comprehensive income 339
Ⅳ. 결손금 Accumulated deficit (141,192)
(대손준비금 적립액) (Regulatory reserve for loan loss) 0
(대손준비금 미적립액) (Insufficient Reserve for Credit Losses) (30,361)
(대손준비금 전입 필요액) (Required Additional Reserve for Credit Losses for the Period) (42,220)
(대손준비금 적립 예정액) (Provisioned Additional Reserve for Credit Losses for the Period) 0
자본총계 Total equity 1,140,408
부채와자본총계 Total liabilities and equity 12,126,723

한국카카오은행 제3기 결산공고 재무제표

포괄손익계산서 Statements of Comprehensive Income

제3기 : 2018년01월01일부터 2018년12월31일까지 (For the Year Ended December 31, 2018)

한국카카오은행 주식회사 (KAKAOBANK OF KOREA CORP.) 단위: 백만원 (Unit: KRW in Millions)

계정과목 Description 금액 (Amount)

Ⅰ. 영업수익 Operating income 375,581

1. 이자수익 Interest income 293,932
2. 수수료수익 Fee and commission income 67,926
3. 당기손익- Gain on financial instruments measured at fair value through
공정가치측정금융자산거래이익 profit or loss
4. 기타포괄손익- Gain on financial instruments at fair value through other
공정가치측정금융자산거래이익 comprehensive income
5. 기타의영업수익 Other operating income 2,899
Ⅱ. 영업비용 Operating expense 381,990
1. 이자비용 Interest expenses 110,539
2. 수수료비용 Fee and commission expenses 127,622
3. 판매비와관리비 Selling and administrative expenses 129,808
4. 기타의영업비용 Other operating expenses 14,021
Ⅲ. 금융자산신용손실충당금전입액 Provision for credit loss allowance 14,800
Ⅳ. 영업손실 Operating loss (21,209)
Ⅴ. 영업외수익 Non-operating income 15
Ⅵ. 영업외비용 Non-operating expenses 87
Ⅶ. 법인세비용차감전순손실 Loss before income tax (21,281)
Ⅷ. 법인세비용(수익) Income tax expense(benefit) (326)
Ⅸ. 당기순손실 Loss for the period (20,955)
(대손준비금 반영후 조정손실) (Loss for the year adjusted for regulatory reserve) (63,175)
Ⅹ. 기타포괄이익 Other comprehensive Income for the period, net of tax 1,155
Items that are or may be reclassified subsequently to profit or
후속적으로 당기손익으로 재분류되는 항목 :
1. 기타포괄손익- Unrealized net change in fair value of financial assets at
공정가치측정금융자산평가손익 fair value through other comprehensive income
후속적으로 당기손익으로 재분류되지 않는 Items that will not be reclassified subsequently to profit or
항목 : loss
1. 순확정급여부채의 재측정요소 Actuarial gains(losses) on post defined benefit pension plans (918)
XI. 총포괄손실 Total comprehensive loss for the period (19,800)

한국카카오은행 제3기 결산공고 재무제표

2019년 3월 25일

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