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can be explained as planned learning experiences with intended

outcomes while recognizing the importance of possible unintended outcomes. There
are three types of curriculum; explicit (stated curriculum), hidden
(unofficial curriculum), and absent or null ( excluded curriculum).

A hidden curriculum is a side effect of an education, "lessons which are learned but
not openly intended" such as the transmission of values , beliefs and norms,
conveyed in the classroom and the social environment. Any learning experience may
teach unintended lessons.The curriculum is not made formally, but it happens
unnoticed by teachers and students. The experience gained can actually guide the
future of the students when they graduate formally.

The hidden curriculum includes values that are formed together by the implementers
of the curriculum themselves whether teachers and students or instructors. These
values will be learned by students but indirectly for example, the behavior and
morals of a teacher himself that is how the teacher dresses, communicates and
delivers knowledge. These values can be indirectly applied to students throughout
the teaching and learning process as an example of teachers applying the nature of
cooperation in group activities. Hidden curriculum has a great influence and role in
shaping the values and culture of society. The practices and habits of this tradition
are inherited by children until they form a habit. It can in turn bring implications of
stability and harmony in society. For example, holding traditional game competitions
or traditional game carnivals can also unite students of various races. In this way, the
students can get to know the traditional games of their respective races and
indirectly the relationship between the races can be strengthened.

students will also learn through a process of imitation. So it is clear that, the negative
behaviours of students can certainly be reduced if a teacher is able to be the best
example to his students. Thus, a teacher needs to ensure that everything he does is
something that brings positive behaviour to students.

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