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Angel Puppo

Module 4 – Interpersonal Relationships

As soon as sin comes into our lives in Adam, we notice the separation from God's

holiness and the depravation in human flesh. As God calls his people, he tells them to be holy

like he is holy. It is beautiful to understand that God does not ask us to be holy just because he

wants that out of us but because that is how he created us to be. We are created in God's

image; therefore, we should be able to reflect God ultimately. He tells us to be holy like him

because that is what he created us to be. It is beautiful to see that we have the perfect example

of this in Christ and it is comforting to learn about the so many ways of grace in which God

works in us to be like him. I now see how discipleship is one of them. This is something on

which I've been reflecting a lot. My church is a young church that had no doctrine whatsoever

two years ago. As God calls the leadership and puts his love for him and scripture in us, we have

been growing and taking the brethren to walk the pact of the bible and walk like Christ. In these

two years, we have notice something. Some people like me have been disciples of scripture first

and foremost and rely on the people around them for accountability and strength. We call this

type of people privately low maintenance. In the beginning, we thought everyone should be like

this. Everyone should read the word in their house and model Christ as one reads about him.

Now we have realized this is not the situation for everyone. We have brothers and sisters in

Christ who we can testify how much they love the Lord with all their lives, but these people

need someone to walk with them, to keep them accountable, to keep them thinking about the

Lord without wavering into anything else. They do not just learn from scripture and get

heartbroken with their private devotionals, but they need to see an example and someone
always ready to strengthen them. This is when we realize that we urgently needed to disciple.

We needed to take care of them like children that are learning to walk, and we needed to be

there for them no matter how fast or slow they grow. It is beautiful to read how Paul gives us

the example of this. We see how he tells the Thessalonians that their growth is his joy and life

no matter that he was in prison and troubles. It is beautiful to give part of our lives to these

brothers that grow alongside us and helps us grow too. In discipleship, we genuinely find true


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