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Free society of free individuals

Let’s unpack this a bit. The etymology of the term traces back to the
Greek word “anarkhia”, which means “without rulers” or “without
authority”. It stands for the absence of domination, hierarchy and
power over others.

Anarchism is a process whereby authority and domination is being

replaced with non-hierarchical, horizontal structures, with voluntary
associations between human beings. It is a form of social organization
with a set of key principles, such as self-organization, voluntary
association, freedom, autonomy, solidarity, direct democracy,
egalitarianism and mutual aid.

Based on these principles and values, anarchism rejects both a capitalist

economy and a nation state that is governed by means of a
representative democracy. It is a utopian project that aspires to
combine the best parts of liberalism with the best parts of communism.

At its heart is a mix of the liberal emphasis on individual freedom and

the communist emphasis on an equal society. I particularly like the
definition of Cindy Milstein about anarchism being a “free society of
free individuals”.

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