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Teacher's Course...Larry Singh Wentink and Yogi Bhajan Washington, D.C. Oct-11-18/71 One who considare himself to be a disciple of the True Guru rine before the coming of the light 2nd contenplate the Name the enrly hours of the morning he should rise and bathe, his soul ina t r ‘ Peuly cS Z seek to kiss tho very dust.under such a one, Who spea%s the Name and inspires others to do so! | a a : Gauri, Var Pe. 305 & setue flexes. -l- Teacher's Course Larry Singh Yentinc Washington, D.C, Oct.11/71 These kriyas for the next three days will be for the abdomen, colar plexus, navel poirit, ete. Jay on back inhale back, exhale forward keep hands on, floor + 3 minutes lay on bar nt toes forward leg lifts of the following heights, "Lt 2" 3! 90 degrees do long deep breathing at ench height, 1 minute finally go back into plouch pose, legs behind head, hold stre walk back on toeh, hold 1 minute, bring kmees back beside the ears, relax, meditate on 3rd eye point, 2 minutes. still on back, draw both knees together in to chest, pull in with arms clasped, leave head on ground:inhale deep exhale, extend lers, hold then at 18", toes pointed. Continue, inhaling as knees are drawa in, exhaling as th out. now just lift head between knees and kcen up, long deep of five minutes seerelaxsee flip over onto stomach, come into locust rose put your fists in the lower abdomen (by the female ovaries), lift legs high as possible press chin (moon center) into ground breathe lon: tes, thon inhale, hold, exhale, pull rootlo Hold as long as possible, release, inhale and repeat: this rootlock cycle 3 tines. seeTelarees sit up on heels, flex spine back and forward inhale forward, exhale back grab elbows, twist trunk to left and right, inhale left, exhale richt, vigorous breath Phe whole body will go into pain in 3 minutes. This is becanse of weakness in the liver and spleen. extend arns up at 60 degreec, palms up, keep twisting, 2 minute! hold -stendy, do brenth of fire 2 minutes; inhale, hold, bring ralns torether over head, exhale cone fortiard into curt pranam, forehead on ground, hands on ground palms tog$ther extended over head. : rela: ~2- : : Washington, D.C. Oct 11/71 | This one is not for besinners. (- Sit in easy pose, hands on knees, raise : and lower both’ shoulders’ rapidly, with 3 mins fA 7 E synchronized vigorous inhale up, exhale a -down...the neck will burn, the ears too. | roll neck in big circle, shoulders steady 2 then roll in figure 8, the infinity sign : 7 “Don't start a class with this, i | sit in gyana mudra, backs of hands on knees, index finger curled under thumb, arms gh. long, slow breath,..meditate on SAT NAM project ‘out 3rd eye from heart centre gyae rwdew . . sit on heels, tie harids together over head, index'finzers together pointing straight up. pull rootiock, force out SAT release, say NAN continue at moderate nace, 15 minutes This is known as SAT ERIYA.. very powerful. SAT KYA cate eeevelaxers teacher repeats 8 vibrations EK ONG KAR SAT NAM SIRT WHA GURU ; 4 a students mentally carry vibrations through ; the 8 centres, fron base of spine through to circumvent force ao - then whole process is done mentally, out the : 7 top of the head : merge long S-A-A-A-? NAM into sound current YOGI-JI epeaks (tape from Santa Cruz teacher's course) Now stand up. Promise yourself and everyone to live in grece--no more carbaze. If you can honestly make that promise, that promise is enowrh, Sit dovm. Phere are these four stages of consciousness through which the man must go. They are like this: jasrat, the avokened state, in which the man saya "I see it", There is a tree, he sees the |: tree, there is a , he sees the chair, Second, in sunena state, the dream ; man says,"Isee it as in a dream", 5 Third, skupat state, deer sleen, near death: the man says, "T an, : nothing else is." Fourth is the highest state, the turiya state, the state of awakened sleep, in which it is said, "See’ everything which you have considered to be unseen," ‘The yogi lives in this state mort of the time, In the turiya state, the man is awakened, vet at the same | time isin deep, undisturbed sleer, It is a state of fearlens~ ~ ness, commassion, freedom from karma, Tt is*the 4th dimensional consciousness. Nothing in these three dimensions can shake you. we oD tga Washington, D.C, Oct.’ 11/71 When you know you do not know, you know the unknown, The man is to know everything, yet not to krow..1 am saying not to chew it in your mind, and not to talk about it. Like a private secretary to God. ‘A man in the turiya state is a puzzle to a man in jagrat state. You do not exist for yourself; self} prevails, ‘You eat, yet you do not ert, You sleen, not sleen, You exist, bit you do not oxint, Befor turiya state, you learn onli symbols, which must be right on wrong. In the turiya state, you hear the direct. word of God, i Learn to relax, ‘The law of relaxation is the law of divinity, Know that truth knows no arguments...a true teach- er's statement is lav, it is universal, If he does not know, he does not speak let us now meditate torether, It isa transcendental medit- ation of raja yora, Set yourself in the gyane mudra, pull in the neck, spine is to be straight, Focus the eyes at the tin of_the nose, inhale WAM, ovhale GUS, No, you are not to chant. 7 eis total meni BEARERS is is eeaimed to bring owt all aeatnea in you, I do not say this as a joke, that if you or anybody else will practise this for 2} hours each for 6 months, 9 months, maybe a year, you can be the messiah. (total 31 minutes) Larry. Singh Wentink Washington, D.C. Oct 12/71 th legs in’front, hands on ground ¢ oe beside thishs a inhale, lift left leg, exhale, lower ee angle is to be 60 degrees on right leg, repeat cycle for 3 minutes : lift doth lers, look at toes, do breath of, § five, 1 minute...beck is not to lean back’ % more than 60 degrees frog pose...squat’ on balls of feet, heels together, hands between knees, fingers on “, ground e inl push up, legs straight, keep héols i Bround...exhale, come dovm, head 39 ee 2 minutes, the pituitary will secrets. gum pranan . ‘ + inhale a little, exhale vigorously, pull root- : oc! Se eohcentrate onersy, bring it up to Jed oye 3 minutes + repeat 26 Ek ONG - remain in cobra, be Washington, D.C, Oct. 12/71 long, slow inhale, slowly raise legs together to 90 dezrec long, slow exhale, slowly lover legs to ground continue, three minutes, rolax. cobra pse..-ley on stomach, bring hands palms down tindornoath shoulders, pysh up from the waist, arch the spine, drop the keep heels together, 1 minute raise whole body on a point in the skyi..exhale, Keep a positive thought together in your mind, If you can't keep ponitive, at least be neutral, ember the breath and the love of the Greator who gives you: this’ < will usually make a negative thought seen insignificant, ‘in breath of fire, 1 mine to look at left heel inhale dep, tum h exhale, turn head to look at right heel Continue for three minutes. This cnersy will take up to 24 hours to spread throughout your entire system. elaxees celibate, pose...sit between heels, butt on ground lay back, head, shoulders-on ground, relax | stretch arms up, tie them together as in SAP KRTYA, begin action of SAT KRIYA total 8 minutes, then stretch out completely This exe wild. greatly help with control. of the sex eneray, and with negativity which cones to you through your desires. Don't go out in the cold, lay on the bare ground, or drink a cold drink for a while after these exercises, meditate in gyana mudra let SAP float up the spine on lomssilen inhale, let NAM pop out. of the top oPee head on exhale Es sane 1 Lift head and feet 12 inches, do long deep | breathing for L minute relax long and deep for 10 minutes, release | energy from nave). point, using sound current i of the GONG if possible sit in comfortable position, stretch arms up mentally inhal: t. hale’ Ne mtrate spine, dow foruard, be. projecting air out nostrils, vibrating palate | AR SAT RATA SUL WHA cuau { YooI-Jt in Santa cruz Washington, D.C. Oct 12/71 * " Gommunication goes like this: first the simile, the . sound of the word, a picture or image; next the figure, the ranre of alphahetical use, thon the combination to form the word, and finally the meaning. ce a man wont to a great master for help and knowledge. He dotted to the master in the traditional posture of thé tine the guru pranam, and the master immediately turned away and left "the roon, Tt was eleven ofclock. By around one ofclesk themaster asked the man to be broucht to him, and asked him, Now, have you any questions?" The man answered, "No, Maharad, all is clear now," hic is why this posture is also called the Posture of Innocence. Tt circulates the blood throuch the brain, feeds the brain cells there, washes away the nerativity. Ido not know whether you are ready, for what I will teach today. My way is pressure, pressure, pressure. Romomber, to produce a dianond from coal requires this element pressur: Otherwise the coal will always remain coa a + Stretch out the right lez straight, bring the left foot in to the thi¢h, the whole sole touching. Stretch the left hand dow and catch that toe, bring the right hand around the back, put the 3 chin on the right shoulder. Keer the spine straight. (5 minutes) Change sides, rev N Immediately lay on the back, raise hea feet one foot, breathe long and deo at the sides, only lower back in contact wigh ie the ground. (30 seconds, then relax 1 minute... repeat three times) : We will talk a little about the pineal gland. This gland stops secreting at eleven vears of 2ce. Man's deal with God is to try to ret thin gland to secrete aga We will give a, kriya which vill’ seovte this sland, which in turn will cause : the pituitary sland to secrete, along the olden cord. ere is an electric charte between the navel point and pineal‘: gland. This is called the silver cord. he navel point vibrates the bija mantra SAT NAM; et the pineal land is the ‘sound current, We will meditate to bring the ts into ‘sound harmony, Mentally you will vibrate at the navel point, then again mentally you will, vibrate At at the pineal gland, Go antoxly back and forth: (5 mips) ww cone into the SAT KRTYA poeition, You know what it is. Tie the hands up over the head. You have been chanting SA? NAM only at the navel point, Now vibrate the SAT at the navel =~ . point, and at the pingal in the centre of the brain, vibrate NAM, Make this link. (8 minutes) Inhale, concentrate at “the pineal e@land, exhale, Tet the hands fll limp at the sides his energy rust now balance itself. If you will meditate. on the 5) between the navel and the pineal, the channels can now bé opened. GURU GURU WAHE GURU GURU RAM DAS GURU ‘ bo ae SUASTIKASAN A _. breaths, 10 minutes Larry Singh Wentink Washington, D.C. Oct 13/72 lay on. back lift les: “to 6", breathe lone and deep 1 minute relax 1 minute--affects sex glands Li lees to 2'--repsat Lift les to 3'--repeat sit on heels, hands in venus look over sex organs: - inhale, lean back 60 degrees, exhale, bring forehead to the sround continue with regular rhythm, deep complete relaxee. SERTES: T stretch left leg out, bring right foot up on left thigh,pull in as far as possible, pull down to left foot. Get the head to the floor eventually. coming down on the left side affects the heart coming dowm on the richt side affects the liver chant SOHANG (I an He) lone. ,.10 minutes inhale, exhale, pull on rootlock seeTelaxere II SWASTTIASAN, cit on Teft heel, tuck right foot in between left thigh and calf--pressure must come on toes ~, bring the forehead to the ground, p: over head : chant long SA-A=A-A-? NAM, 10 minutes inhale, exhale: umn rootlock rhythmically a doen tines or so, inhale, repeat rootlock cycle three times +e velax Iz sit in syana midra, ayes fixed on tin of nose ' long, vigorous deep breathing for 2 minutes There is a nerve leading from the tip of the , nose to the heart, . inhale, exhale, pull rootlock-~3 times neditaterinnale lone, slow and silently to full capacity, exhale in the same way--hold empty a few seconds, then begin to inhale once again To cool off someone's nerves, teach the cooling breath throuch the rolled tonrue, sive a foot massae, nerhans with ie sass-of onion and garlic juice with warm water,ta 1i Give © honey. UAIKGURUTL KA KALALSA” “Stal WAHIGORUI KU FATEH of all that is; it cannot be a weird or a nesative eyperience. -for the teacher, Also it even cannot be taught without it. aaa Parent pus, Washington, Dic. Oct. 13/71 YOGL-JT speaks in Santa Cruz Man's intuitive knowledge is in his seed. We are to awaton our control centers, which now work only 3-5%. This kundalini yora isa process by which a nan unfolds the shakti in him to exvend his awareness. It will trans- form the infinite personality of God into a finite conscious- ness in you, This is the purpose of many it se the purvose , But Kundalini yoza cannot be practised without 2 love Man must be sustained by a finite power in the flow, which is the infinite power, The yams and niyams, the do's and don'ts as you learn them in yoro are up to you. Phe other all six staves of this divine science, aharena, dhyana, anana; and so on, are all taken care of tonother in eny one Iamdalini yor kriyas We are tapping throuch conscloneness the supreme conscious= E | ness. Tt is not a subconscious process; there will be no | miracles, tricks, or denials, for this is the yoga of fw-* fillment, : | First qualification for kundalini yoga is that you seek that awareness which is now to nov. We will not get rid of + the ero, for that matter we will not deny anything ‘in uw: We will explode the ego, and make it univers: t sit and beg softly ‘thet we may someday find Got, ve will meke ourselves so strong and pure that God must coma to look for us and look after God has got your number, let hin look you up. Vie use mantra in the eoienss of lave, yoo. Tush to krow a mantra is no A, You must hove the’ aorrect technical knovleice, oth eit in like having 2 em and rot ‘mowing how'to load or fire its it is thon just a stick. Leya yora ; creates an infinite soma current from a finite sound current. This is done by working out a combination which gives the correct sound proportion: : A teacher who will teach the truth is not rewarded by man, he is rovarded by the Creator God hinsel?, Ye is a finit “ being who deale with nnothor finite being--he must have strong tools to catve the hicher celf from the elenental self, He will go through sadhana, aradhant, end prabhupadi, that is dseipline, ‘the living in the discipline, and beconing "aster of Cody We will now practise a mantra, the first chakti mantra, . which ts to be chanted 198 times to completely open the chemmels, it is aoneavy heavy mantra, Straighten yourself, As you, chant, navel point and the’ nineal Thgors-and~thunbs Oaly-areto-he-touching. ADT SHAMTY AME Susy ADT SUAKTT MANO. NANO SARAB SUAVTT CARAR SUAKTT SARAB SHAT NANO NAMO PaTTUM BHACAVATE PRITUM BHAGAVATE NAMO NANO KUMOALINE WAP SHAKTT HAT SHSCTT HAMO NANO ; (repeat each line once...chant with a puls ) 2 ~8- ; : Washington, D.C, Oct. 13/71. ° This mantra also has one special use, and thet is it can bo usd when tho stare are poorly ected. “You are to visualize yourself : infront -of maillons upon millions of people, and you are getting them to chant this mantra,’ You yourself are not chanting, The basic idea is that your whole being should chant, and you should hear the mantra as a vast cosmia flow,'rather than just sitting on your owm and vibrating with the ego, ADI SHAXTY: the prinal As we all sit dovm to eat | rr ‘to five these bodies the food they need a RUAGLWAGE: Onich ,#0 carry the goul-~ | = throveh God ey our hearts be ever with Thee,’ o Lord. | KUNDALINI NAT SHAXTT: kundalini, the mother power ae YOOT BMAJAN in the flesh in Washington, D.C. Oct. 14/71 The Sermon on Two Cushions Part 1 First thing to be clear about is that there is ‘i teacher, We are together trying to discover the feuth. . The deginning and the end of man is love. And love | is an experience of selfles self, You must ‘ relax to love--thi ax and then becones *, A tense is a fool. The man is to make his yotential self his seting self-~, a living god. . There are certain laws and reasons , and vo are to discover then We must first learn to die in three weys: to dye yourself, Iam playing now with the word, in the colow: of truth} to dea dichard, that is to be incorrigible for the truth, and to di f, to kill your self yourself: then you will, fever xt thing we must realize is that man is 2 : puppet, strong up on the strings of breath. And that the strings go from the finite to the infinite, A very crant thinz to follow is the writings of Guru Nanak A Guru Granth sant, i is great; this is a pure containing the direst word of God spoken in analocy. phives may de in symbolosy, and eynbolory is open fs interpretation, right or wrong. Hen is born of a woman, and yon cannot deny that. However much you get it tocether in’your life, you ove it to that woman wh you and made your body for 9 months, and who taucht you in the first three years the very basic thing of how to walk on this earth, So 211 desires, enterprise: and goals ar2 focussed on woman. You have sprouted from a womb, half of you, the left side, is polarized female, the wrer past of your brain is connected to the left nerves. .you seek your fulfillment in sprouting acain int a woman, and if you ean, you (C+ Mill find your way into every womb on earth. You learn about yourself throuch being hurt by a woman, The thing to do is to respest every woman and try to incrense hor grace. You wild : then be a giver, and no longer a sicker.

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