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---------------------------------------------------------- Oracle Database 18 C --------------------------------------------------

1.install oracle database 18c

--------------------------------------------------------------- Apex
-------------------------------------------------------- apex 21.1

3.install apex 21.1

1.internal folder apex URL CMD

2. write SQLPLUS

3.user name : SYS AS SYSDBA;

4. password : sys;

5.alter session set container = XEPDB1; pluggable ‫لتثبيت ابيكس علي‬

- @apexins.sql tablespace tablespace temporary_table_space /visual_dir_of_images/

6. @apexins.sql SYSAUX SYSAUX TEMP /i/

7. @apxchpwd.sql ‫لتغير كلمه المرور‬

8.Download Ords File and File ords_config

8.install ORDS from SQL developer

- Connection

- Connection name : sys

- Username : system
- Password : sys

- service name : XEPDB1

9.install Codes Ords


alter user APEX_PUBLIC_USER account unlock;

alter user apex_rest_public_user account unlock;

alter user apex_listener account unlock;

alter user APEX_PUBLIC_USER identified by sys;

alter user apex_rest_public_user identified by sys;

alter user apex_listener identified by sys;

10.Done Ords Installed

------------------------------------------------------- Apache Tomcat -------------------------------------------------

11.Download Apache Tomcat

12.install Apache Tomcat

port : 80

password : sys

13.To Entre on Apache Tomcat URL on browser localhost

14.Copy Ords File Into Webapps Of Apache

- C:\Program Files\Apache Software Foundation\Tomcat 8.5\webapps

15. Copy Images Folder Into Webapps Of Apache

16.rename Images Folder To i

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