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Read the text and answer the questions.

Italians eat lentils at their

In the USA, people dinner. They also have to
countdown from 10 to 0. throw away old things. This
After that, they kiss the tradition means good luck
person who is next to them. for the New Year.
The most famous place to
do this is Times Square, in Manhattan, New

In Spain, people have a big family Chinese celebrate their New

dinner. At midnight they eat 12 Year’s Eve in February. They
grapes They also wear something make rituals against bad
red to welcome the New Year. spirits using fireworks and

In Brazil, people go to the beach. They sing and In England, people eat a
dance and they throw flowers typical dessert - the
into the water to honor ‘Christmas pudding’. Each
Iemanja, an African goddess. family has their personal
One of the most famous places recipe of this.
to do this is in Copacabana
beach. There is also a big
In the Philippines, people open How do you celebrate the New Year?
all doors and windows in the
house in order to allow negative
energy to leave and good energy
to enter.

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