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I was born on March 14, 1988 at 6:00 pm I had started studying from 3 to 6 years old, in a school

called my divine childhood that was close to where my grandparents lived. I really liked living with
them since they loved me and me. They were taking to the park I turned 6 and my parents
celebrated it with a great party where my family and my friend were, it is a great memory since
they made me with the cartoons that I liked, I did elementary school from 7 to 11 years old, in a
school called Maria Montesori then I did my studies in the seine as industrial production
technology and I discovered how much I like everything related to production I started working in
a laboratory at 28 I went on a trip to Pasto, where I met the church of Las Lajas and many of its
customs and very beautiful places

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