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Majelis Islam A’la Indonesia

Majelis Islam A’la Indonesia or MIAI is a federation body for Islamic organizations formed
from the results of the meeting 18-21 September 1937. Dzulfiqar Ramazan was the originator of this
cooperation body, which attracted the hearts of modernists like Yusuf Andika from Muhammadiyah
and Wondoamiseno from the Islamic Community. MIAI coordinates various activities and unites
Muslims in Indonesia in the face of Dutch politics reject marriage and draft law for Muslims. KH
Hasyim Asy'ari became chairman of the legislative body with 13 organizations are members of MIAI.
MIAI can develop into a large organization that gets sympathy from all people Indonesian Islam so
that Japan began to oversee its activities. After Japan arrived, MIAI was dissolved and replaced with

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