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Copy and Paste strengths and Targets for Reports

 Sentences have been written as if it’s a boy throughout (him/his). Don’t forget to change for a girl.
 … indicates where you should add the child’s name.
 Strengths and targets are the same for each level but worded differently, for example Joe is currently a 2A in
writing so I would take his strength from 2A and his target from 3C.
 A good trick is to change the entire document into the font and text size that is expected on your report format.


Working towards 3C
…successfully uses a range of punctuation to improve the quality of his writing, including speech marks,
exclamation marks and commas.
…has begun to use a variety of verbs and tenses and ensures that his tenses are always consistent throughout a
piece of writing.
…shows that his majority of writing, both fiction and non-fiction has a clear beginning and end
…should now use a range of punctuation to improve the quality of his writing, including speech marks,
exclamation marks and commas.
…should continue to use a variety of verbs and tenses and ensure that his tenses are always consistent
throughout a piece of writing.
…must ensure that his fiction and non-fiction writing have a clear beginning and end.
…now needs to adopt a viewpoint within his writing and be aware of his audience.

Working towards 2A
…writing has started to show evidence of giving characters a viewpoint.
…has recently used some fantastic examples of adjectives and descriptive language, giving his writing a
creative flare.
…has worked hard on separating his writing into paragraphs, which makes his writing clear and well-structured.
…is creating flow in her writing by joining ideas using words, such as: after that, also, soon, another thing…
…has built on his ability to join two sentences with the word ‘and’ by using a range of other connectives.
…writing now needs to show evidence of giving a viewpoint.
…should now try to incorporate adjectives and descriptive language into his writing to ensure it is lively and
…now needs to work on separating his writing into paragraphs, which will make his writing clear and well-
…needs to create flow in her writing by joining ideas using words, such as: after that, also, soon, another
…needs to build on his ability to join two sentences with the word ‘and’ by using a range of other connectives.

Working towards 2B

…is using ambitious words in his writing, always challenging himself to learn new and exciting words.
…has worked extremely hard on matching organization to purpose i.e. using headings when writing a report.
…has started to use speech marks within their story writing to indicate when a character is talking.
…should now attempt to use more ambitious words when writing and challenge himself to learn new and
exciting words.
…must now work hard on matching organisation to purpose i.e. using headings when writing a report.
…should now start to use speech marks within their story writing to indicate when a character is talking.

Working towards 2C
…is able to use topic related words and continues to build up his vocabulary bank.
…can develop ideas into a series of sentences, giving good detail.
…has started to use some ‘time words’ to connect ideas i.e. then, next…


Working towards 3C
…is excellent at decoding unfamiliar words in the most effective way.
…can read using an expressive voice taking into account range of punctuation.
…can recall most of the main points from fiction and non-fiction texts.
…is able to locate information that helps to support my comments and begin to quote from the text.

…must now continue to learn how to decode unfamiliar words by blending accurately.
…should now ensure that he reads using an expressive voice taking into account range of punctuation.
…now must recall the main points from fiction and non-fiction texts.
…should now work on locating information that helps to support his comments and begin to quote from the

Working towards 2B
… has shown ability to locate specific information in a book.
…has learnt to accurately and efficiently blend and segment a variety of longer words.
…has an awareness and can discuss the effect of different types of punctuation within a book.
…can independently discuss patterns found within books relating to language.
..has shown awareness of writers’ viewpoints and can discuss this within a group.
…has begun to identify the setting and period that a book is set in.

… should now work on locating specific information in a book.
…must learn to accurately and efficiently blend and segment a variety of longer words.
…should develop an awareness of the effect of different types of punctuation within a book.
…must learn to independently discuss patterns found within books relating to language.
…should now show an awareness of writers’ viewpoints and be able to discuss this within a group.
…has begun to identify the setting and period that a book is set in.

Working towards 2C
…has learnt to accurately and efficiently blend three and four letter words.
…has really improved his ability to self-correct in his reading by ensuring that what he is reading makes sense.
…uses wonderful expression when reading and takes note of different punctuation, this makes his reading
interesting to listen to.
…can recall accurately main points in a story about characters, settings and events.
…can talk confidently about what he likes and doesn’t like about a book and give reasons why.
…has started to comment on the language within a book by making reference to why they think the author may
have used a certain word.
…understands how non-fiction books are organised and can discuss the main features i.e. title, headings,


…now needs to learn how to to accurately and efficiently blend three and four letter words.
…should now work on improving his ability to self-correct when reading by ensuring that what he has read
makes sense.
…should work on using expression when reading and take note of different punctuation, which will make his
reading interesting for the listener.
…now needs to recall accurately the main points in a story about characters, settings and events.
…must now work on talking about his preferences confidently, what he likes and doesn’t like about a book and
give reasons why.
…should start to comment on the language within a book by making reference to why they think the author may
have used a certain word.
…must now understand how non-fiction books are organised and discuss the main features i.e. title, headings,


Working towards 3C
…has shown excellent collaborative working skills and has benefited from learning from team members.
…has begun making accurate observations and measurements and recognizes any risks associated with
…can suggest ways of improving an initial method used when conducting an experiment.
…should now work collaborative with others so that he benefits from learning from peers.
…should now begin to make accurate observations and measurements.
…must now try to suggest ways of improving an initial method used when conducting an experiment.

Working towards 2A
…has a fantastic ability to research our science topics, learning important facts from books and the Internet.

Working towards 2B
…has improved his knowledge of special words relating to our science topics and is able to use them when
explaining experiments.
…has begun being able to think of alternative and creative ways to conduct an experiment.
…should now concentrate on learning special words relating to our science topics and use them when
explaining experiments.
…has begun being able to think of alternative and creative ways to conduct an experiment.
Working towards 2C
…is extremely curious and asks interesting questions about the world of science.
…is able to think of his own way to carry out an experiment, showing increased confidence as an independent
…is able to confidently predict the outcomes of an experiment and then reflect on his predictions.
… should start thinking of her own ideas for experiments.


Working towards 3C

... can use fractions such as ½, 1/4, 3/4, 1/5, 1/6, 1/10 etc in shapes
… has challenged himself to be able to find a division fact from a multiplication fact
… can add and subtract two, two digit numbers using a column method, including carrying down and borrowing
…has learnt a great deal of number bonds to 100.

... should now work on using fractions such as ½, 1/4, 3/4, 1/5, 1/6, 1/10 etc in shapes
… must now challenge himself to be able to find a division fact from a multiplication fact
… should now add and subtract two, two digit numbers using a column method, including carrying down and borrowing
…should continue to learn number bonds to 100.

Working towards 2A
…can confidently use mathematical language to explain how he solved a word problem.
…can now find three-quarters of a set of objects using practical resources.
… now understands the relationship between multiplication and division and is able to inverse a sum.
…He is able to recall multiplication facts in 3s, 4s and 6s quickly and accurately
…should now concentrate on using mathematical language to explain how he solved a word problem.
…should now work on finding three-quarters of a set of objects.
… must work on understanding the relationship between multiplication and division and be able to inverse a
…He should also continue to learn and become more confident in recalling multiplication facts.

Working towards 2B

… has worked hard on being able to find half or quarter of a set of objects.
… after quickly learning number bonds to 10, he can now also recall number bonds to 20.

… should now work hard on being able to find half or quarter of a set of objects.
… must now focus on learning number bonds to 20, i.e. 7 + 13 = 20, 14 + 6 = 20
Working towards 2C

… is able to continue simple number, shape and pattern sequences independently.

…can independently read, write, count and order numbers up to 100 and understands how to partition into tens
and units.
…is able to confidently count up in multiples of 2, 5 and 10.
…now understands how to work out and shade a half or a quarter of a shape.
…has learnt doubles and halves of numbers to 10.
…can independently recall all number bonds to 10.
…has learnt how to accurately solve addition and subtraction word problems.


… should now work on continuing simple number, shape and pattern sequences independently.
…must now independently read, write, count and order numbers up to 100 and understand how to partition into
tens and units.
…must now practice and become confident in counting up in multiples of 2, 5 and 10.
…must now learn how to work out and shade a half or a quarter of a shape.
…must now memorize basic number facts, such as, doubles and halves of numbers to 10.
…can independently recall all number bonds to 10.
…needs to continue working on how to accurately solve addition and subtraction word problems.

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