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Nama : kharisma destu

Nim : 106119032

1. Urine bag : Function to accommodate urine associated with Balloon Cathether

2. Infusion set : Function hose for intravenous fluids

3. Reflex Hammer : check the reflection capabilities of a particular part of our body, such as

4. Clamp : to clamp the arterial blood vessels.

5. Handschoen : used to protect the hands from the surrounding environment

6. Tongue Spatel : is to depress the tongue, in order to see clearly the situation in the throat, is
there any abnormalities.

7. Spuit : to inject drugs with a volume of 3 mL by tearing the skin tissue.

8. Surgical Sissors : scissors used in surgery

9. Feeding Tube : for nutrition / administration of liquid food through the mouth or nose

10. Stethoscope : to listen to the heartbeat, bowel sounds, breathing and so forth.

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