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Trio Remedies – Dr Jaison Rajan

1. Trio of remedies of Antisporic (Hahnemann 's Antipsorics) - Sulphur, Calcarea carb, Lycopodium
2. Trio of remedies of Anxiety - Aconite, Argentum. nit, Ars alb (Nash)
3. The three sheet anchors in Apoplexy. - Alumina , Phos, Plumb (Kent)
4. Trio of remedies of Asthmatic complications – Arsalb, Ipecac, Natrum sulph (Nash)
5. Trio of remedies of Brain typhus - Apis, Helleborus, Zincum met (Nash)
6. Trio of remedies of Burning - Ars alb, Phosphorus, Sulphur (Nash)
7. Trio of remedies of Cholera - Camphor, Cuprum met, Veratrum. alb (Hahnemann)
8. Trio of remedies of Climacteric remedies - Lachesis, Sepia, Sulphur (Nash) (Clarke)
9. Trio of remedies of Condylomata - Thuja, Staphisagria, Nitric.acid (Nash)
10. Trio of remedies of Convulsions - Cuprum met, Cicuta virosa, Causticum
11. Trio of remedies of Croup - Aconite, Spongia, Hepar sulph (Hahnemann)
12. Trio of remedies of Disorders of Alimentation - Bryonia, Nux-vom., Pulsatilla (Nash)
13. Trio of remedies of Effusion remedies - Apis , Bryonia, Kali carb(Nash)
14. Trio of remedies of Emaciation - Natrum mur, Sarsaparilla, Iodum (Nash)
15. Trio of remedies of End stage remedies / Homoeopathic Last Aid - Ars alb, Carbo veg , Muriatic acid (Nash)
16. Trio of remedies of Exhaustion - Ars alb, Muriatic acid, Carbo veg (Nash)
17. Trio of remedies of Fear and its consequences - Aconite, Ignatia, Opium (Nash)
18. Trio of remedies of Profuse Expectoration - Sanguinaria, Kali iod.,Stannum met. (Nash)/
19. Trio of remedies of Profuse & purulent expectoration - Hepar sulph., Silicea, Tuberculinum(Nash)
20. Trio of remedies of Profuse stringy expectoration - Kali bich., Hydrastis, Coccus cacti(Nash)
21. Trio of remedies of Asthenopia or weakness of accommodation from the abuse of spectacles (eye-strain) –
Ruta, Natrum mur, Senega (Nash)
22. Trio of remedies of Intermittent Fever - Capsicum, Eupatorium, Ignatia. (Nash)
23. Trio of remedies of Fidgety - Kali brom, Zincum met, Phosphorus.
24. Trio of remedies of Flatulence - Carbo veg, Cinchona, Lycopodium (Nash)
25. Trio of remedies of Fluent coryza - Ars alb, Allium cepa, Mercurius (Nash)
26. Trio of remedies of Glandular remedies – Conium Mac, Bromium, Carbo Animalis
27. Trio of remedies of Effects of Grief - Ignatia, Natrum mur, Phosphoric acid (Nash)
28. Trio of remedies of Haemorrhages (Ilahnemann) - Erigeron, Trillium, Millifolium (Nash)
Trio Remedies – Dr Jaison Rajan
29. Trio of remedies of Lochia after confinement - Kreosote, Rhus. tox, Sulphur (Nash)
30. Trio of remedies of Half sight - Aurum met, Lithium carb, Lycopodium
31. Trio of remedies of Headache - Glonine, Belladonna, Mellilotus
32. Trio of remedies of Excess hyper aesthesia - Plumbum, China, Capsicum
33. Trio of remedies of Infra Scapular Pains (Nash) - Chenopodium, Chelidonium , Chamomilla
34. Trio of remedies of Upper lips - Belladonna, Calc carb, Nat mur
35. Trio of remedies of Mania / Delirium - Belladona, Hyocyamus, Stramonium (Nash)
36. Trio of remedies of Masturbation and excessive venery - Nux vomica, Sulphur, Calcarea carb (Farrington)
37. Trio of remedies of Miasms - Sulphur, Merc sol, Thuja (Nash)
38. Trio of remedies of Nymphomania - Murex, Lilium tig, Platina
39. Trio of remedies of Offensive urine - Sepia, Nitric acid, Benzoic acid (Nash)
40. Trio of remedies of Offensiveness - Merc sol, Kreosote, Baptisia (Nash)
41. Trio of remedies of Pain - Aconite, Chamomilla, Coffea (Nash)
42. Trio of remedies of Pleurisy - Aconite, Bryonia, Sulphur (Nash)
43. Trio of remedies of Pneumonia - Mercurius, Chelidonium and Kali carb (Nash)
44. Trio of remedies of Cough after Pneumonia - Kali iod, Sanguinaria, Stannum met (Nash)
45. Trio of remedies of Profuse Expectoration (Nash) - Sanguinaria, Kali hydrod. and Stannum
46. Trio of remedies of Ptosis / Drooping eye lids - Sepia, Causticum, Gelsemium (Nash)
47. Trio of remedies of chronic Rheumatism & paralysis - Caustium, Rhus tox , Sulphur (Nash)
48. Trio of remedies of Restlessness - Aconite, Ars alb, Rhus tox (Nash)
49. Trio of remedies of Sciatica - Colocynth, Phytolacca, Gnaphalium
50. Trio of remedies of Sleepiness / Drowsy - Opium, Ant.tart, Nux moschata (Nash)
51. Trio of remedies of Spasmodic cough - Drosera, Ipecac, Cuprum met (Nash)
52. Trio of remedies of Thirstless - Apis, Aethusa, Pulsatilla
53. Trio of remedies of Twitching & jerking - Zincum met, Ignatia, Agaricus
54. Trio of remedies of Urging and colic - Rheum, Colocynth, Jalapa (Nash)
55. Trio of remedies of Urticaria - Rhus tox, Apis, Dulcamara
56. Trio of remedies of Uvula enlarged - Apis, Kali bi, Hyocyamus
57. Trio of remedies of Vomiting - Ipecac, Ant. tart, Iris (Nash)
Trio Remedies – Dr Jaison Rajan
58. Trio of remedies of Weakness / prostration - Ars alb, Carbo.veg, Muriatic.acid (Nash)
59. Trio of remedies of Weakened constitutions (Nash) - Ammonium carb., Cinchona, Carbo veg.
60. Trio of remedies of weak feeling in chest (Nash) - Phosphoric acid, Stannum met, Sulphur
61. Trio of remedies of Weak, faint all gone sensation in epigastrium - Hydrastis, Sepia, Ignatia(Nash)
Dr Jaison Rajan

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