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Calculation of the prestressing force in the tendon

To carry out th s ca culation, one must frst estab ish two d stinctly different stages

. Iensioning stage
Theslressesinthetensionedtendonresulfromlheforceexerledbylhejackandfromthe nterna frction
between the tendon and, on the one hand, lhe anchorage and, on the other, the d!ct. Ther determifal on
enab es lhe ca cu at on of theorettca eongatons whchmusl be recorded drrng tensof ng lhevalLreof
lhe inta slress after rernoval ofthejack rs assessed bytaking iflo account llre pu n:

. Iime dependent stress variation

The slress in the tendon var es conlinualy with the process of time, dle to the occlrrence of phenomena ty
pica of the sfuctlTa concrete, i.e. we
as steel relaxation Lherefore, lhese phe
shr nkage and creep, as
nomena musl be laken inlo accolnl to determine the aclual stress condition of the tendon at any tlme.

111.1 Forces and stresses exerted during tensioning

According to the 1990 CEB FIP NlodelCode, lhe stress opo (x), in a section localed at a d slance x from the
ive anchorage, is lower than tl're stress opo nax; lhe difference between the two stresses corresponds to the
fiict on osses. The valLre of oD" (x) can be ca cllated using the folowing re ationship
opo (x) = opo. .u, e pG' k')

e = Base of Naperian logarthms
p = lr ction coeff cient betweef prestress ng steel and duct
o = Sum of angu ar dev alions over lhe d slafce x, fdependent of the r d recl on and s gn (spatial outline).
k = lJnintent onal angular deviat on, per unit length

Jhis can also be expressed as follows

or againl

o^ so e-r, '

in wh ch a=0and9=kp
The frlction coefficienl p is aiso known as f The reatonship s then usua y expressed as folows:
or = oo e_{ra i {xlor, aga n: opo (x) = op.erd ex


ooo (x) = Tension in a given section

opo = Jension at the lve anchorage

111.11 Radii of curvature, friction coefficients and unintentional angular deviations

he fr ct on coefficients depefd of the lype of sleel used, the nature ol lhe duct and the surface cond t on
of each mater al. The accepied va ues and toleTances vary accord ng to the or gin ol the statuory texts


1 1 T .1 T 1 TrNDoNs w ri'r AN ovERArr DUCT

- lNroRMA oN ButtEflN N" 2O4 or rHE 7990 CEB-FIP MoDEL-CoDt REC1MMEND'.

, ln lhe case of intetnal prestressinq
enl p, s the product of the coeffic ent po w th a compaction rate X vary ng accord ng to
Tl're k ct on coeffic
lhe rate at wh ch the tendon f s the duct t may vary from 1.30 to T.35 with a fit ng rate of 5070 to 60%.
Strands p" =0.15 p = 0.19
H gh bond bars: p.- 0.50 p=0.65
Pla n bars: p.=025 p=0.33
a 50% max mlm ln case of rust, higher d screpanc es are
The permltted vaiiations are in the reg on of
accepted. he coeffic ent p can be mutlpied by 0I in the case of a proleclton Lrslng soluble (emuls.
fabe) ol.
Regarding the rate of unintentional angular deviation, one shoutd take tnto accolnt 0 005 < k < 0.0T0
radians per metre

. ln the case of external prestessing

Ihe CEB F P documert considers the fo ow ng value, w lh regard to saddtes w th radii between 2 500 and
4 000 mm:
Bare and dry slrands on a steelsadde 0.25<p<030
Greased strands on a steel sadde 020<p,<0.25
Bare and dry slrards withln a pastic tube, on a stee sadde: 0.12 < p< 0.15
Bund es of monost.ands with plastic sheath, on a sieel saddle: 0 05 < p < 0 07

. The ACl 378 Code gives the following indicatlons, for oited srrands,.
i: 0 0005 < 9 < 0 0020 per fooi (i.e. abolt 0.0015 ro 0 0060 per m.)
, 8110 indicates in turn:
Steel,/concrete: f = 0.55
S"e )lee,: 030 I
, Stee,/galvan zed stee: f = 0.25

, 9 = 0.0033 per m oi 0.00T 7 per m in the case of rigid shealhs un ikey to move during concret ng
, Eurocode 2 suggests the following vatues;
t Coddrawnwres p=0.T7
Slrafds p=019
Hlghbondbars: p= 065
P a n bars: p=033
0 005 < k < 0 010 rad ans per m.

We g ve below, fo. rnformalion, the va Lres ind cated by the Frefch code


CoEF CtENtS f AND tp

BPEL 9T sLrggests the following mean values, n the case of tendons and sheaths which are neither ox di
sed nor misshapef, protected by oil or grease coating The perm lled var alions are in lhe region of a 25%

lYP" I
Case p(m )
3<Rs6m R>6m
I Tendons not rurn ng throlgh Rourd ard pla n 22R 016 0 002
connilct on or olherjo nts 100
24R 0r8 0 002
I lerdons rurfing lhro!gh many Round and pla r 24R 018 0.003
cons[uct on or otherjo nB rOO

SIands 26R 020 0 003


. According to Fascicule 65 A, one should consider the folowing:
Rig d, sheet meta sheaths, bendab e by hand R > 100 A . Wherc A, s the nternal diameter of the dlcl
Wlndab e sheaths and stee tubes: R') 3 000 mm
he radrLrs may except onally be decreased, prov d ng lhat
20O <R<3000nrm
- the lendon tens on does not exceed 0 7 Fek at the beginning of the clrrve;
the tota of angu ar devial ons to < 31t/2 ftdians
- the sharp y curved zone is cons deied as a dead end anchorage when lhe angLr ar deviat on s greater

, Sryiat fascicute 86-19 bis ieconnends the fotlowing vatues for the lriction coefficient I in the case of
snooth tubes:
Bare strands and steei tube. clean and oiledi 0 20 < f < 0 30
Bare. c ean strands and HDPE tube: 0.12 < f < 0.15.
The adopton of minimum vaues, for l, must be n compiance with the fo owing criterla: an insta aton drawing for
the shealhs, a strict conlro and lhe complete absence of any angLiar point at the connect ons w th stmight pafls

9 = 0 when the wires or slrands are parallel to each other and the ducls are cofiectly algned


- lNroRMArrcN Burtt N N" 204 rRoM tHE 7990 CEq-FIP MoDEr-CoDE RE)2MMENDS:
We g ve below, for information, the values specified in the Frefch Code (BPEI 91)
Providing the instalation s carr ed out wilh a min mum care and f the radii comp y wlth the fo owing ru e
solated strafdsr R> 1 000 m
Bund ed strands: R > 2 000 m
One may take:
r=005 q=000T m'r
e = 0 when ihe wires or strands are para el to each other and the ducls are correcty allgned

ation of po and 9x according to the coelf cierts chosen lor
The nomographs n'T ancl T bis permit lhe caLcu
Lr. ard o and lo the values of o ard
x as measured from lhe draw ngs Nomograph n"1 b s is an en atqement
in desrees and or x' rn m
i';;;:;;;;":i ;;;;il ;';; Thev ar€ read usins the valLres or o expressed
direcl delerm natior of Q* by drawinll the slra]ght ne
Knowlrq (pcr + 9x), the nomograph n'2 perm ls the
oo lo rhe point corresponding to
(pcr + 9x) on lhe scale (!"o + 9x)
ito,"g ;,l*pi'", iirr*ponding-lo
so and ox
The sca e om the g ves an aveTage value between

Calculation of wa and 9x' Nonognph N"1

125" 150"



PAGE 4/'I6

Calculation of ws and qx - Nonognph N'l bis

5' 10'




xrnm >
PAGE 5/16

Calculation ofox and o^ in N/nnf - Nonograph N"2




P]IIGT €/16

1 11 .12 Pull-in ofjaws
functioning of an anchorage with conicaljaws
he oss of elongalion occurs whef the force exerted by lhelack on the tendon is directly lransferred
through lhe anchorage to the structlre Thislransfertakespacewhenthe.jacktensionngchamberisbeng
drained. he energy required to complete the con ca t ghten ng is only reached after a feeding mot o|
from the strand, pu lng n; the p!
n can be diminished by carying out a pr or hydra! ic ocking,
us ng af aux liaryJack Thevauesof lhe.jaw are indicated in lhe tabes giving tlre lechnlcal cha
racter strcs of each anchorage.
he drop n lens on n the anchoring zone is often advantageous, Since it permits lhe e iminalion of the mo.
mentary overtensioning necessary to reach the des red tens on in the important sections of lhe slructl-fe

Calculation the tension after locking

Dur ng the con ca
ocking, the retuming motion of lhe tendon is hampered by the friction with lhe sheath; this s the
opposite phenomerof lo that observed during tens on ng. The dlop in tension, wh ch is maximLrm at the anchorage,
decreases progressvey and symmetcally (tensioning diagran'r) and ceases al a d stance d from the anchoraqe.
Befo.e the pul if, the tension at lhe abscissa x
was given by the formu a A/:
. op(x) = caoe tb,s*) (1)
which can be expressedi

' $o e Kt) (2)

orlx) =
K(x) depict ng the ncreas ng funclion of x:
(ra + 9x)

he va ue of lhe re atrve elongalion of the tendon at

oo (x)
. eo {x) (3).

After occurrence of the pLrl n, the tensiof al the

abscissa x (< d) is only:

' o o(x) = oo {d) e IKtd) Kt,Jt (4)

o tal g (2) t.oa'tot-t'
. o o{x) = ooe e lzKtd) tlt)l (5)
and the e onqation:
'e"3; = 6)
Let !s assume that g is the sum of the elongalion losses [eo (x) e'o (x)J dx of the segments ctx between O and D, .e.

'e =J[<o(x) <o(x)J dx //.

g --J io"rr) o"{\ll d^ (&.

The integral represented inthereationshp /B/ rellects lhe shaded area ofthe figure Equation /8/, takng nto
a.cafiI (2) and /5/, permits the determination of d, lherefore of o'o (x) or, similary, the oss clue to anchorage
. oo (x) = oo (x) - o'o {x) (9).

PAGI 7/15

n practce, lhe lolowing reason ng ls often prefe.
rable the qlanlly gtp represents the surface area
of the shaded clrv inear tr ang e in fig 1 By equa
I fg the exponential branches w th stralght ines, the
oss due to anchorage pu l.rn can be assessed irom
lhe surfacc area of lhe triang e formed by the nter.
seclon of lhe tens oning d agrams before and after
anchoring the tendon cons dered (see fig 2)

Tak ng nto accounl friction over the distance d, inso

far as lhe tendon of length / is tefsiofed ffom one
end only and i6 tota angu ar dev alon over the ength
r,o whr''t dr^dIdlq a da d
rro,0.Q o.e rr.o.d Fo lotoo^,rq.. \a-1ao

oDo o-o e tgll oo - o.. I - q,

opo - o po = 2d. (lsr + 9). (10)

Jherefore, the sirface area of lhe triang e is:

a d 'lo g. op

(7 7)

or aga n assum ng k

,, (12)
The value of o'po is immediatey obta ned us fg //0/.
f the pu affecls the ent re englh of the ten.
don there is, because of the syn'tn'tetry, a oss
I of lens on as shown in f g. 3:
: f d < / /2, the tendon must be tens oned from
both efds n order to reach tensiot'ts grealer than
those obta ned w th a tensioning carried out froin
one end only (see fig 4)j
- f d > r /2, t is preferable to lension the tendor
from one end only, lhe tensiors obtained belng
thus higher (see f g. 5)

Tlre lrafsverse prestress ng of

dge decks (short
tendons for which the pLl lin can affect a tenglh
greaier lhan , /2) s mosl oftef ach eved by ten.
sionrfg the tendofs from one end ony, the llve
end bo ng a terfale fiom one tendon to the olher
The. average tens on of lendons may then be
cofs dered as cofslant and equa to the value om
obta ned in lhe med an seclion

PAGE 8,/16

1 1 1,2 Tendon elongation
he effecl of lhe e astic shr nkaqe of concrete du
ring tension ng is practicaily ins gnificant; t is not
taken into cons deration in the fo owing ca cLra
t on5

-a A o ed ol o_ 4p FTdor oL ing et , or .g i)
given by the fo owlng
^ Lp J Jto
Ap Ep

A = lota elongation (s!m of the elongatlons at

both ends),
P(,1or o(,1 = lension al lhe point located at a d s.
tance x on the iendon,
Ep = the tendon modu us of eiastcity,
Ap - the atea of the tendon crosssection.

When tens on ng s carried out fiom both ends oi

a tendon whose out ne is symmetrica with respect
lo.l^er.dd1 .ort or o lheeener. tne mtr]trnlm
lens on is located at mid.lendon (see fig. 6); when
I is ach eved fiom one end only (see f g. 7), the
rn nimlm tens on is at the dead end anchorage.

The lens on, when the tendon s be ng tensioned

can oflen be considered as varable n inear a
way a ong the tendof. ln the cases depicted by
f gs 6 and 7, the e ongation w
therefore be ca
ated usrng the mean tension om, whch s the
average between the maximum lension at the an.
chorage and the minimum tens on om n,

lhF 60,go o- i. rnar A/ #- " ' (14)

/ being fie distance of the tendon between the fixing points onjacks (see fig. 6), or between the fix ng
po nt on aJack and the deadend anchorage {see f g. 7)

111.3 Final prestressing force
Ihe lension tn prestress ng tendons drops, dLre to the instantaneous shorten ng of lhe structure, and the trme
depefdenl shrlnkage and creep effects on the concrele; the relaxation of prestressrng stee comes ln add
llon to these phenomena Jherefore, the sum of the osses result ng liom all lhese phenomena must be ob.
lalned, in order to assess the fna va ue of the prestressing force when des gn ng lhe strLlctLre. Jhe
formuae permtlng the calculaton of lhe osses are gven n lhe nationa or inlernationa codes slch as
ELrocode 2, the CEB.FIP Recommendations or the French regutations (BPEL g1), for exampe.

PAGE 9/16

-l'l 1.31 lnstantaneous deformation of concrete

The oss of prestress caused by the struclure nslantaneous shrlnkage, folowng the action of the force exer
ted bythe prestress ng tefdons afd the other permanent actons, s not considerab e. t can be equated to a
mean oss affect ng each tendon amolntng, n a glven seclon, to the fo owng, accordtng to the French
code BPEL 9l:
F-, tl4SE
- tt /i5l
. Aobr belng the var atron of slaess in lhe concrele occuff ng at lhe levei of the ce]rtre of grav ty of the pres-
tressing tendons n the section cons dered, under the varying peimanent act ons exeTted on day.j.
ln pnctlce, when the strcss vatiatlons rcnain linited, a sufflcient estimatlan af the lass due ta instantaneous
defomations of concrete can gene@lly be obtalned by assunlng it ta be equal to 6fun (76) oh represen
tlnq the flna/ stress of concrete.
. and k a m! tiply ng coefficient equal to:
- 1 /2 fat Ihe slress var at ons dle to the re ative preslress dur ng the tension ng phase of the tendons cons.
dered and to the permanent actions s mu laneously exerted.
T for the stress variat ons due to lhe permanent actions exeated fo owing this tefslon ng phase, nclding
lhose dLe to prestressrng tendons subseq!enty lensioned
ln lhe case af n sinl/ar lendans tensianed ane aftet the athet, the caefficlent k is actual/y equal to
(n /),t?n. t draws coser lo T /2 when tlre nurnber oftendons is hiqher
11 1.32 Concrete shrinkage
Shrinkage is the shorten ng of the un oaded concrete, during ts hardening. The prestress ng tendons, tigh y
bonded to the concrele, are lherefore subject to the same varlat ons of deformation as the ad!acenl concrete
The f nal oss of tens on due to concrete shr nkage, in the case of constant therm c ancl hygromet c condi
t ons, depends on the age of the concrete al the momenl of tensioning, of the tota concrele shrnkage and
of ils deve oprnent if t me.
The final loss of tension due to shr nkage, for the considered tendon, is the follow ng, accoding to the French BPEL g1
Ao, = Eo e, [1 t (to)l (17)
wilh Ep = Modulus of e ast city of stee , €r = Final shrinkage deformation afd r(to) = function ref ecllng the
law of t rne'dependent shr nkage deve opment.
r (td can often be gnored, hence the following s mp ified formula :
Ao, = Eo 08)
111.33 Concrete creep
I Deformatlon by creep rs calsed by a time.dependent shorlening of concrete due to compressive stresses
hefina oftenson dle to concrete creep, lnthe case of constant thermic and hygrometric conditors, de
pends on the naxma stress and on the final stress withstood by the concrete in the zone considered, on the
age of concrete at the moment of tensioning, as well as the duration and magnitude of the toad ng.
According to the French BPEL 91 code, the fina loss of tension the relnforcernent is subjecl to is the fol.
lowif g
Ao1 = Eo e, =!c (o,u* + o.) (19)

Where Eo = Modllus of elastic ty of stee, E! = lloduius of instanlaneous deformation of concrete at the age
of_l days, o,o* afd oc being the respectve maximum stress and final stress w thstood by lhe concrete in the
conaidered section, at lhe eve of the centre of grav ty of the preslress ng tendons
As o,", S 1 5 o. ard Eo / Er = 6, we can deducer on = 15 o, (20)


11 1.34 Relaxation of prestressing steel
A tendon permanentiy tensroned and mainta ned, after tensioning, at a constant length, is subjected to a os5
of tensi e stress The f na va ue ol lhe oss of tension due to re axation is dependent on the duratlon of the
app icatlon of the prestress ng force, on the guaranteed va ue of ae axation at J 000 hours and on the va ue
of the tendon initral tens on Jherefore, when ver lying an old strLrctr.fe, the possible infuence ffom a r.ore
'npo|dr .'e'..dio1 n t n bF cor'top pd deoeloirgortl e dga ol ll.e.otst rLron
The BPEL 91 code proposes the fo ow ng formula for determining the f na loss due to re axation

ao. -
(>) uo o" ld
-LUU p nnn ,9"
p1000 = Guaianteed va ue of relaxatlon al 1 000 hourc.
{rp(x) = nila stress of the tendon in the sect on ocated at a distance x.
fpk = Characteristic tens le strength of the iendon.
!,. is equa to
0 43 for very low relaxal on lendons;
0 30 for norma re axat on tendons
0 15 ro ot rp ler dot ).
1 1 1.35 Time-dependent losses
It s necessary lo lake lnto account the nteraction of all the previol.ts phenomena.
To take into accountlhis nteractton the BPEL code proposes the nd scrim nate reduct on of relaxat on us ng
the coeff cient 5/6
Th!s, the final tine dependent oss becomes the folowingl
Aon = Ao, + ao" *!ao. e2)
When an assessneft of the prestress osses is necessary al anytlme {for example, nthecaseof a sflcture
bLr lt in successive steps), the fo owing can be assumed:
Aoo (t) = (t) Aoo I
r(t) be ng the function previous y defrned ,
rft) =Lt+9r, ,
in which t designates the nurnber of days s nce the tension ng of lhe consldered e emenl and rm the mean
radius of the member section, in can.

11 orob.b e va J6 < g ven oy .n. lolowir q:

oo (x,t) = ooo Ao (x) Aoo (x,t)
oo (x,t) = oo6 - Aoo (x,t)
where Aoe (x,t) represents the tola loss of tension at lhe d slance x and at ihe time t.

Jhe characleristic va ues of tension are given by:

- 0.8 Aoo (x,0 (23)
opr (x,t) = T 02 ooe
ooz (x,t) = 0 98 ooe 1.2 Aoo (x,0 e4)

.. . .-. -. fA6E 11116


111.4 Example for calculation of losses in a post-tensioned member (according to "La

Prdcontrainte" by R. Chaussin, A. Fuentes, R. Lacroix, J. Perchat - Edjted by the "Presses de l'fcole
Nationale des Ponts et Chauss€es").
Tlre cab e concerned conslsts of a parabo ic 7 11 5 tendon conslitut ng, w lh i ve olher tendois of lhe same
type, the preslressing of a 28 m beam.
Itliesapproximaley0lSmfromthebottomfibreatmidspanardl50mfromthesamefibreabovea he
slppo (see fg 9).

Tlre beam, a s mp e Ishaped member cast using fa sework s made up of concrete w th a strergth of fe28 = 30
[/]Pa. Jhe lendons are lens oned when the concrete has reached the agej so that fe = 24 MPa (one can ac
ceptjEl4days) The superstructure is erected at 28 days A briefcatcuaton, don6durtnglhe pre.drllenso
i ng design phase, based on an est mation of the rnean force transm tted by one 115 strand eqlat to
O.T 6 MN a
losses achleved (at I = o),
0 T6x 1 2 = 0 r92 N4N atT4 days,
estab shes in the median section, at the leve of the centre of gravity of the tendons {at a distance of 0 14
rn from the botlon] fibre), the follow ng str€sses ir the concrete (see table below)

Table 1 : Stresses in the concrete adjacent lo lhe tendons

ln service (t @) ln construction (i 4 J)
P - 6 x 7 x 0.16 = 6.72 N/lN P. = T.2 P = 8.06 [,4N
Stresses (in N/lPa) panial accumLrlaled partia accumu aled
Prestress P (or P.) 1 6.0 19 2
Dead weight g -91 69 LT r01 {= o,"")
Superstructure g' - 3.4 (= Ao.2s) 3.5 (= o.)
We iniend, us ng these elements, to est male the lension of the tendon tn the med an sect on, tak ng ntoac
counl the fo owifg characlerist cs.
For IT 5 tendons n lhe range 1 11A, very ow relaxat on:
fo,n = 1 770 MPa

'" ll9T06
pl nss = 2.5 %
Eo = 190 000 MPa.
For ihe prestress ng system Lrsed g = 6 mm
Forfrctiofr I
f= 018 rdr; = 2103 mr.

. lnitial tension
. l0.B x1700-1416 r +ro vr"
opo = Inr
l- x T 583 = T ${i}=
425 MPa

. lmmediate losses


The anguar dispacement at a locat on x (see f g. 9) is:

a(x) = 0(x) -0 -lano (x) tan0o

lrp ordor op rg pdrobo, c. taro lrj de,

! . a lrrea' fJlrrron or ! d1.i
n(x) = ax
a s easiy determined with a chosen locatian al x - //2
d ltl = uo=
ar d o- or , -{A"o -!l-Lj oorsr.
're, e hr,l -o,c rp^-r0 B.OOl3r.OOO2t 0.0044,
i.e: K (x) = kx wth k= 0.0044 nr 1'

or(r/2) = ooaek/2 = 1 416 e-00044 r'1 = I 331 lvlPa
or Aoolr/2) = 1416-1331 = 85 MPa
n addil on, for x = ,,

oo (r) = oo6en = T 416 e00-014 23 - 1 252 MPa


Lel us ca cllale the leagth d affected by the plllin in the anchorage i

We have op (x) = opo etr-

a1o. d'ro lo (^) . op {rt - opo o ,

Therefore, the express on (B) becomes tog = ooo [ ["*, - e kl2d r)] dx.
JhiS eqlation can be stricty soved. ln fact, it can be expressed as fo lows Eos=14[] -e"]'

hence. eao=1 \E!

' opo
I rnn [r 1/r-o
". o -tlno ['1 i6l ooo6.r 01oro44l
'ooo' 00044 '' - v-- r416 l

lPIe o - l9lm
'rp dpp r d or o__o,fl1ta (lzwo td ""\" to ,l e'o owrro: o - Vi4 T90 000 6.T0 3 -T350m
"d " t oook T 416.0 0044
which s abou lhe same resull as in the previous calculaton, but with a sign f canl dfference whlch
shows lhat t s m slead nq to be over precise in this type of estimalion.


ln the folowing, we wil considerthevaLred=13.95m, lheoret cally more prectse
t can be seen that the effect of the anchorage pu i if is not ceab e almost up to lhe midd e of the beam
At0, after pu in, the tens on s the fo Lowlng
ops=oo6ezrd=1 4'16 x e 2r 000{4 t r3 es -'l 252 [,4Pa.

Thus (see flg

10), afier depressurizing lhejack
chamber, the lension s approxrmalely symrnetii
cal in re at on to lhe med an seclion, which shows
that it s use ess lo tens of lhe tendon frorn both
n lhe present case, al the leve of the median
A,onl/A = a.


Stagge ng the tensioning (at 14 days)

We havei E ]a = 11 000 x 24t/3 = 31 100 MPa
and Ao"r4 = 10 1 MPa (see tabte 1)
Hence, according ro (15), wilh kra = T /2i
I ln
000 '" ' = 30 MPa.
Ao,a = 190
2 31 10A
Installation of superstructurc (at 28 dayt
Ther: E 28 = T T 000 x 30r,/3 = 34 200 MPa
and: aoc28 =
3.4 N./lPa (see tabte 1)-
Hence, slnce k2B - 1 i

Ao,s- o0000 - . olYoo

34 200
fhe btal losses due to immediate delotmalions of concrele lher anaunl la:
Ao.lo + 4o.26= 30 - 19 = TT lvlPa.

One shou d note the ow va ue of this loss which could have been estimated using the more basic formLr a (25)
, he quasiperfect coincidence ol both va les is a stroke of luck, the ony veritab eJus|fication of the use of
formula (25) being the ow degree of the term Ao. n compar son to other tosses.

. lnitial tension
he mmediate losses are therefore as fo ows:
Ao = Aoo+ Aon+ Ao. = 85 + 0 + 11 = 96 MPa

and. the in tlal lension

o = opo- Ao = T 416 96 = 1 320 MPa.

s(G: 1,4116

- .
Iime'dependent losses


W th the mere app cation of lhe simpl f ed formula (1 8) wllh e, = 2 . 10 at

Ao, = [,e, = 190 000 x 2 x 1O a = 38 MPa.


Jhe formLrla (19), wth ELr = t,1a = 31 700 N/Pa,

o.", = 10 1 N/Pa (see rabte T)


ao, =5{o,", *oJ =-l!QQlq (101+35) =82Mpa


ljs ng the fornrula /2,

aoo = Pr ooo F o=
lroJ .

' prq 1oo

Aoo = 63 MPa

- JoTAr TiME.DEpENDENT rossts (FORMUtA /2?f

ao- = Ao + ao^
" "6*! 4.,-
e,: ,
Aol = 38 + 82 +j 6l = 173 N/lPa. I
6 I
111.5 Example for calculation of the elongation of a prestressing tendon
Ihe proposed examp e involves the tensioning of a preslressing unit consistrng of 1 770 MPa c ass strands,
15.2 mm n d arneter. This unit s threaded nto a corrugated sheath, in a beam w th two contintous spans, ,
each be ng 22.00 m long. The tendon layoul s given by the fo owing figure.

he tens on ng is s mu taneously carried oll from both ends; the init a tens on Po (or P'o) under the ancho
.age as ca cu ated by the design office, s: oeo 1 416 MPa.-
FRrclroN rossEs DURNG TENSoN NG (sEr sEcroN 111)

f =018 9 = 0.002, withi 1 ' = n : 180 = 0.01 745 rad.

(n m) 0 12.0 11 .A 224
rti :..t r&1iY€q)r'::::....:
0 0.04 902 0 '106243 0.163358

o01"1 ( n MPa) T 4T 6 1 348 1 213 1242


Po,/Pr = / 2=13B2MPa,
('l 416 + 1348)
P1/P2-11 348 + 1 2731 / 2=T 3T0.5 MPa;
P2/P3 = 11 213+12A2J/2-1231.5MPa

PolPr = Alj = / 190 000 = 87 28 mnr

(1 382 x 12 000) l

P1/P2= Lt2 = (1 310 5 x 5 000) / 190 000 - 34.48 mm;

P2/P3= L\= (1 231 .5 x 5 000) ,/ 190 000 = 32.56 mm


A =2x(Al1 + 42 + Alj = 308.64 mm = 309 mm.

\bE When checking the tefdon elongations at theJack, one must add the etongation coffespondrng to
the overlength of the strand oulslde the sheath, necessary for lensioning the tendon (d stance between lhe an
chorage and thejaws of lhejack)

PA6E 16/16

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