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Nutritional Status Assessment

Function :

- to analyze patient’s nutrients diet  mengarahkan pada energy


1. History Taking
- Health history  to identify previous illness (apakah ada
pengaruh dr genetic)
- Socio-economic history  someone’s tendency to choose food
(jenis makanan, jumlah makanan, pilih2 makan)
- Drug history  drugs’ allergy
- Diet history  to check someone’s food intake

2. Anthropometric Measurement
- BW, BH, BMI  UW <18.5
Normal 18.5 – 22.9
Overweight >=23
At risk 23 – 24.9
Obese 1 25 – 29.9
Obese 2 >=30

- Waist Circumference
- Fat Fold Measurement

3. Physical Examination

4. Lab Test (sample : urine/blood)

- Cholesterol
- Tryglicerides
- Blood Glucose, etc
Nutritional Requirement
Carbohydrate = 45% - 65% of total ccal
Fat = 20% - 35% of total ccal In this case = 2000ccal
Protein = 10% - 35% of total ccal

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