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Definition of motivation
The word of the definition come from latin word which is movere which mean to move. It is the
result of an interaction between the person and situation.

2 list that commonly related to work stress

1) job insecurity- this is the most important factor responsible for work stress in employees.
Today’s economy is very uncertain and the competition is very high. As a result, the fear of
losing the job and meeting high demands causes undue stress in employees

2) under load- under load is a situation where employees have to do less work in more time.
In such cases employees start questioning their capacity and feel stressed.

3) lack of control over work activities- if employees are given responsibility but no authority
in their work, it creates stress in the workplace. They also lose interest in their work since
they don’t have any control or decision making power in their jobs.

3 motivation don’t make you successful person.

Motivation alone does not lead to high productivity and performance. The person also need softskill
to be a successful person. The person must have these skills which is mental skills, mechanical skills
and psychomotor skills. All of these skill must be trained such as learning from other, go to school
and university. After this skills have been trained, it will come out as ability to the job. When the
motivation plus the ability, it will lead to high performance and productivity.

4) moslow hierarchy

Moslow hierarchy means the importance of satisfying worker need for motivation based on
Abraham Moslow idea. The individuals must satisfy lower-order needs before they can satisfy higher
order needs.

5) 5 level of Moslow hierarchy.

1- self-actualization : realizing one’s full potential

2- esteem : self esteem use of one’s skills achievement, confident, autonomy, independents.
Reputation is status, recognition, appreciation of other.
3- affiliation : acceptance by other such as association and communication with other group.
4- security : protection against threats or unsafe working environment such as fair treatment from
management, job security, predictable work environment.
5- physiological : good, comfortable working condition, basic wages or salary.

6) example of Maslow hierarchy

Physiological needs- every human in this world need these which is food, water and shelter

Security – employment is the basic need of any individual to earn a livelihood and satisfy his basic
needs. For example, being fired and not having saving can make our safety needs vary difficult to get
Affiliation – Perfect family relationships and friendships are what an individual hope for. Not having a
good family relationship, support from loved ones, and good friends can make the individual feel
lonely, which will not help him to satisfy his needs of love and belongingness.

Esteem - When a student is motivated and appreciated, he/she tends to increase his/her academic
performance as compared to the less motivated student. An excellent academic result will increase
her recognition in the school and society, which will increase the confidence, respect, and esteem of
the student.

Self-actualization - Life is not about making more money, having a luxurious home and family; it’s
about knowing our self. A human being feels most satisfied when he/she understands that he/she
realizes his/her full potential. It comes under “self-actualization” in which a person understands his
core strengths.

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