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My first trip abroad was to Ecuador. It was four years ago and I went with
my mom. We went in my aunt’s truck from Sullana, there are ony four
hours from Sullana to the border of Ecuador. In Ecuador the dollar is used
but the currency exchange is cheaper. Our filna stop was in Quito, there
are 10 hours from the border to Quito. I was very happy for my first trip
outside of Peru.
We stayed in Quito, in a hotel near the main square, around of 5 days. In
the second day we went to the equator, in the third day we went to the
beach, in Ecuador there are very beautiful beaches.
In the fourth day my three cousins arrived, they called Renzo, Astrid and
Christian in the morning and afternoon my cousins and I went
sightseeing, but in the night we went to party. It was a very crazy night!
The next day we couldn’t get up, but there was no time to rest. The last
day we went to the cable car, we say goodbye Ecuador with a beautiful
view. It was the best holiday of my life!

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