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The Desert Island

Who hasn’t dreamed of getting away and being alone on a desert island, where no one can bother
you and your responsibilites vanish? That sounds great. Then, I start to think about what I might be
missing during all of that solitude and tranquility.

The first thing I notice is that I need to move around on the island, and I wonder how I am going to
do that. Suddenly, I remember my bicycle. If I had it with me now, exploring the island would be
fun. I remember how much I love cycling and that I would miss it if I could never do it again. It
would be really useful on the island to get away quickly from the wild animals that might want to
eat me!

Also, missing my bike makes me miss my parents. We always go cycling together and have
adventures exploring new places. It would be great to have them with me where they could cheer
me up when things get hard and encourage me to continue on to survive on the island.

So, my bike and my parents go together. If I can’t take them with me, the idea of the idyllic island
adventure just doesn’t sound too attractive after all.

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