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Civil Engineering

Civil engineers are responsible for the basic needs and facilities (or
infrastructure) of modern society. They improve systems and processes that allow
humans and nature to coexist with minimal impact. Modern society could not function
without them. We need civil engineers to design and build higher-capacity
transportation systems. We need them to construct larger commercial and industrial
complexes. We need them for water supply and pollution control. We need efficient,
cost-effective and innovative repair or replacement of civil infrastructure such as
roads, bridges and buildings.

What does a civil engineer do?

Civil engineers "design, construct, supervise, operate and maintain large construction
projects and systems, including roads, buildings, airports, tunnels, dams, bridges, and
systems for water supply and sewage treatment," according to the U.S. Bureau of
Labor Statistics (BLS). 
These engineers may also handle site preparation activities, such as excavation, earth
moving and grading for large construction projects. Additionally, civil engineers may
conduct or write the specifications for destructive or nondestructive testing of the
performance, reliability and long-term durability of materials and structures. 

What a civil engineer needs to know

Today's civil engineers need in-depth understanding of physics, mathematics,
geology and hydrology. They must also know the properties of a wide range of
construction materials, such as concrete and structural steel, and the types and
capabilities of construction machinery. With this knowledge, engineers can design
structures that meet requirements for cost, safety, reliability, durability and energy
efficiency. Civil engineers also need a working knowledge of structural
and mechanical engineering. 
These engineers can be involved in nearly every stage of a major construction project.
That can include site selection, writing specifications for processes and materials,
reviewing bids from subcontractors, ensuring compliance with building codes, and
supervising all phases of construction from grading and earth moving to painting and

More and more, civil engineers rely on computer-aided design (CAD) systems;
therefore, proficiency with computers is essential. In addition to speeding up the
drafting process for civil engineering projects, CAD systems make it easy to modify
designs and generate working blueprints for construction crews.

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