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Instituto Italiano Enrico Fermi

Livia Laucevicius 8B

Skateboarding: speech
As well as a recreational activity, skateboarding is an art form, an
entertainment industry job, and a method of transportation. The first
skateboards were made like in 1940. they were called “sidewalk surfing”,
because people used them when waves were low, and they wanted to surf. no
one actually knows who made them, it’s thought that several people had the
same idea at the same time.

Skateboarding for begginers

When people are starting to learn about skateboarding, they often start with
hard tricks. It difficults learning the tricks. The best you can do is actually
spend your time getting to know your skateboard and feeling comfortable with
it. But when you actually start from the beginning, there are some things that
you must know:

Pushing: Getting your weight distribution down. basically, keep all your
weight in the front foot.

Picking up your board: you can learn to pick it really fast or just learn to
pick it up without having to bend all the time it.

Throwing down: I mean throwing down the skateboard and then jumping on
it. it helps getting speed.

Going down curbs: all it takes is a little bit of confidence. you have to lift up
your wheels just a little and keep your weight centered over the bolts.

Famous Skateboarders

- Andrew Reynolds is one of the top 5 skateboarders, he has a big

influence in the sport.

- Bob Burnquist is a Brazilian professional skateboarder. he appeared in

all of the 52 game competitions.

- Tony Hawk, he became a professional skateboarder at age 14.

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