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by E. Christian Buckner

I believe that of all human functions the gift of speech is the

most miraculous.

I believe that, if speech were to stop, all civilized living

would suddenly vanish.

Ibelieve that the ability to be articulate is essential to inner

harmony, to emotional maturity, and to mental balance. If all

people could be completely articulate at all times, human

relations might improve to the point where there would be no

more wars and no more jails, more stable homes and more

happy people.

I believe that speech is essential to the growth of the

human personality and that it provides a way for self-discovery

and self-renewal. For many, it is a way of self-expression

without brush or pen.

I believe that the act of speech is a total process, that when

it reaches optimum effectiveness, the whole man commu-

nicates. What one is, is always part of what one says.

I believe that there is no substitute for content in the

speaking process. Material or intellectual worth provides the

essence of eloquence. Speech skills have their importance, but

they no more make the speech than clothes make the man.

The center of gravity in all speech communications is thought

and idea.

I believe that every student should develop a concern for

truthful and responsible speech, exhibiting sense -- not non-

sense, sincerity- not cleverness, forthrightness

superficiality, and should never be a party to plagiarized or

dishonest work.



I believe that speech has no absolutes, that a completely

perfect speech has not yet been made. I believe that speech

offers a lifetime challenge in which there is never a final

summit of achievement beyond which one cannot climb.

I believe that the individuality of the speaker is a

valuable asset in the speaking process, and that any person

with normal intelligence, normal emotional balance, and nor-

mal speech mechanisms has at his command the resources ena

bling him to make certain speeches that can be equalled by no

other person. Every student has the potential to speak su-

perbly at some time.


1. Do you agree with paragraph 1? Explain your stand.

2. Do you agree with paragraph 2? Explain.

3. Which paragraph encourages you to improve your

speech ability?

4. Which paragraph do you find the most meaningful?


5. Read the Credo in a convincing manner.

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