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1) What will you say if you meet a new person in y

2) our neighborhood?
= I will get acquainted with him and say hello mr. let me, introduce my self my name
Rizki nice to meet you
3) What do you like to do in your leisure time?
= What I do when I'm free I do whatever I can do, such as helping my parents, washing
clothes, playing online games
4) What is your actual plan after graduating from STIKES Horizon
= After I graduated from STIKES Horizon I wanted to work and become a professional
5) What will you say to make a guest feel comfortable when the guest visits your home?
= What I do is serve him as comfortably as possible and as the saying goes "guest is king"
6) What is your opinion about covid vaccine?
= My opinion about this covid 19 vaccine, hopefully with this vaccination it will
immediately restore activities as usual, and reduce the spread of covid 19
7) How do you help your parents during stay at home?
= I will do whatever work I can help them,,k
8) What does your boyfriend/girlfriend or ex boyfriend/ex girlfriend look like? (Just
answer honestly. It's okay, your secret is safe).
= My girlfriend is kind, caring, shy, and sholihah
9) What Indonesian culture or custom do you like?
= The custom that I like and I'm proud of is Sundanese, because I'm a Sundanese
10) What do you prefer to eat or drink if the weather is cold & rainy?
= When it's cold or rainy, I like warm food or drinks like coffee and tea
11) Please tell me how to get to KCP from STIKES.
= To go to KCP from STIKES, you go to the Karawang square, continue straight to
Galuh Mas until you get to KCP
12) In a meeting, what will you say if you have something you want to say?
= If in the meeting I have an opinion, I will say I ask for permission to argue, and explain
my opinion

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