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Muhamad Renaldi W.


Passive Voice

Indonesian jetliner with 62 passengers crashes after taking off

from Jakarta

Debris found near island

In a joint effort between the Indonesian Navy, Police, Coast Guard and Transportation Ministry, a
total of 28 ships, five helicopters and two airplanes are taking part in the search, according to Rear
Adm. Abdul Rasyid, including 10 Navy ships being sent to the waters around Laki Island.
He earlier said the Navy had deployed five warships and diving troops in the search.

A coast guard captain with Indonesia's Transportation Ministry said an emergency evacuation
slide from a Boeing 737 has been found at sea in the location near the site where the crash is
thought to have happened.
Capt. Eko Suryo Hadi Prayitno of the Indonesian Sea and Coast Guard earlier told CNN that
his team is still conducting search operations in the area between Laki and Lancang islands,
which is approximately 20 miles from Jakarta.
Eko said they began searching the area at 7 p.m. local time (7 a.m. ET) and that 45 minutes
later, they found a plane's emergency exit slide, which he believes is from the missing plane.
He added that there is heavy rain and winds in the search area, and the crew was using night
vision and radar in the search effort.
Earlier on Saturday, a high-ranking Basarnas officer told reporters that officers on the ground
had found debris around Lancang Island.
The debris will be passed to the National Transportation Safety Committee to be investigated,
he said, adding that is not confirmed if that debris belongs to the missing plane.
Flight 182 lost contact 11 nautical miles north of Jakarta's Soekarno-Hatta International
Airport at an altitude of 11,000 feet while climbing to 13,000 feet, officials said.
The plane dropped 10,000 feet in less than a minute before disappearing from the radar,
according to the global flight tracking service Flightradar24. The drop happened about four
minutes after takeoff, according to the service.
Sriwijaya Airlines CEO Jefferson Irwin Jauwena said the plane was in good condition before
it took off.
"Of course we are very concerned about what happened to us with SJ 182," he said at a press
conference on Saturday.
"We hope that your prayers can help the search process run smoothly. We hope all is well,"
Jauwena said.

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