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EXCRETION IN PLANTS [EXCRETION = The process of removal of toxic waste products from the body of an organism is known as excretion. ‘The main waste products produced by plants are carbon dioxide, water vepour and oxygen. 0, and water are prodioed as wastes during respiration by plants. (©, prodwwed during respixation in day time is all used by the plant itself in photosynthesis. Plants excrete coygen as a waste only during day time. ‘The gaseous wastes of respiration and photosynthesis in plants are removed through the stomta in leaves and ‘Jenticels in woody stem and released to the air. (Qeygen is produced as a waste during photosynthesis. water by transpiration. Plants get rid of ex Many plant vaste prodcts are stored in celular vacoules. Plants also store sare of the waste products in their body Farts (leaves, bark ard fasits). eg, Tamins, esomtial oils, latex, ams, resins. ‘Tea leaves, anla, betal mut and bark of tree contain tains. ‘The pnt get ridofstoredsolid and ‘eaves of E.oalyptus, laren, tulsi, contain essential ails. liquid wastes by the shedding of| of eaves pealing of bark and fling of | ‘fruits. ‘Leaves of yellow oleander contain latex. ‘(@ms are found in babul tree. Resins are found in stemof conifers. Quinine and morphine are medicines derived from alkaloid stored in Cinchona bark and Opitm fruits segectively. Caffeine found in coffee seads ard nicotine in tebaono leaves are also aialoids. Calcium Oxalate crystals accumulate in sore tubers like Yam (zamikand) . Scanned with CamScanner Scanned with CamScanner

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