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Biology plants/trees

My tree is:

The dragon’s blood tree.

In which ecosystem does it grow?

It grows on the island: Socotra in Yemen.

Here you can see where Socotra is.

it grows in a semi-arid ecosystem.

Biotic factors of the ecosystem:

cacti, tarantula, hawk, yucca, of coarse the dragon’s blood tree, rattle
snakes, lizard, scorpion, etc.
Environmental factors.
it’s really warm, there is much sand and dry plants that don’t need

Info of populations and competitions.

they sometimes live in groups from 6. The tree is threatened and
there are only a few hundred left! They don’t really compete because
they don’t need any sun, water or shadow.

Adaptations from the plant to the environment.

it’s very dry so the tree adapts to that and in doesn’t need water.
although it doesn’t need water it can still wilt. It adapts to that by
having really big branches so it can keep up the leaves.

Pictures of the plant and ecosystem.

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